September 2011 Moms

The most annoying advice I have gotten so far:

"So Sky, how are you feeling?"

Me: "Honestly I am miserable. Very sick."

"It is because you aren't drinking enough water. Most pregnancy sickness is caused by not getting enough fluid."

Me: "I drink A LOT of water."

So, this may be dumb, but this person has never been pregnant, always tells me how to take care of my body, and honestly is the dumbest girl I have ever met. Why I told her I am pregnant? I have NO idea.    

Next time this happens I am prepared the be snappy.    

 "I will let my doctor know she is entirely wrong about being sick because of the hormones. I simply dehydrate myself. Thank you so much for helping me. I am sure my baby would die if you didn't tell me how to eat and drink."

Sorry. I feel so mean......

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Re: The most annoying advice I have gotten so far:

  • HA!  I laughed because I can see myself saying something similar to people I know.

    I don't know why non moms always seem to have more advice than people who've actually been there and know what they're talking about.

    bumping from my phone. please pardon any typos and missing punctuation
  • My mom told me the same thing. She's also certain that her chronic dehydration caused her to have dozens of allergies, all of which she's "cured" by drinking more water. She's a special woman.  

    DS May 12, 2009 DD September 7, 2011
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  • I hate it when people tell me to drink more water!!  Especially after they find out i've been in the hospital for dehydration and ask, "Why don't you just drink more water?" 

    Well why don't you come visit next time I get really bad sickness and see what happens when I drink lots of water.  


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  • and how about this one, "oh, just hang in there and the sickness will be over before you know it."  Are you freaking kidding me???  Do you know what it feels like to feel sick for weeks upon weeks, 24 hours a day, without knowing when the day will come that you will feel better? 
  • imageohsaysaysay:

    I hate it when people tell me to drink more water!!  Especially after they find out i've been in the hospital for dehydration and ask, "Why don't you just drink more water?" 

    Well why don't you come visit next time I get really bad sickness and see what happens when I drink lots of water.  


    EXACTLY!    Throwing up causes dehydration, not dehydration causes throwing up!

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  • imagelilmuffin77:
    and how about this one, "oh, just hang in there and the sickness will be over before you know it."  Are you freaking kidding me???  Do you know what it feels like to feel sick for weeks upon weeks, 24 hours a day, without knowing when the day will come that you will feel better? 

    I know! Feeling better three months from now does not make it easier.

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  • We have only told my parents and my IL's so far.  IL's live too far away to give me any "advice" and my mom knows better.  That's one thing I'm not looking forward to once we tell everyone else!
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  • LOL! I think you should see her eating or drinking something and tell her that it's healthier for her to do that through her nose. More nutrients are absorbed that way because the blood vessels in your nose are closer to the skin surface. or some other BS and see what she does then. LOL that would be funny!
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  • imageLadyBugLove7:
    LOL! I think you should see her eating or drinking something and tell her that it's healthier for her to do that through her nose. More nutrients are absorbed that way because the blood vessels in your nose are closer to the skin surface. or some other BS and see what she does then. LOL that would be funny!
    LOL that would be awesome!
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  • Ugh I really hate when people who have never been pregnant(or never had morning sickness) give me advice like that. My MIL who NEVER had any morning sickness actually got upset at me for "not enjoying my pregnancy enough" She says she was the happiest she has ever been when she was pregnant. Trust me, I'm so happy to be pregnant but it's hard to be all jolly when I've been sick 24/7 for over a month!
  • So frustrating...kind of like my friend whose advice to me related to nausea and exhaustion was, "You'll just have to power through and if you need to, put your head down at your desk and rest for a bit." Seriously??...That's your sage advice?? She must really think I'm a dumbass...Confused
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OMG don't even get me started on the crap stupid people have said to me. And, it isn't just non-moms. It includes moms who never had morning sickness too. Some people just don't get how bad it can be for some people.

    I have heard the water thing; eat more; have more crackers. No. I am throwing up every day. I can't eat. It is miserable. And, there are some people who really can't handle that I am not positive all of the time and give me the "oh only a few weeks." I have been sick for 6 weeks now. How positive can one be when they throw up and stop eating for 6 weeks! I try...but some days I am just miserable. I know people think they are being helpful...but why can't they just be sympathetic and say "oh that sucks!" Why does it have to be some unoriginal suggestion?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie - (hfj2)
  • I get really pissed when people who had "a little morning sickness" try to tell me how to deal with my sickness.

    I don't have morning sickness. I have all day, all night, constant vomitting. It's a totally different thing. It's a struggle just to stay hyrdated and the drugs the doctors can give me don't work. I know that ginger/gatorade/saltimes/sour candy aren't going to do any good either.  Why? Because I've already tried them ALL.

    Grrr it gets on my nerves when people don't listen to what you say. "No, really, I've tried all of that" "But, what about..."

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  • Or when I tell people my sickness is so bad i'm not sure I can do this again, that this might be my last baby, and then tell me, "Oh you'll forget all about it once the baby comes." 

    I don't think I'll ever forget the evening I spent sleeping on my bathroom floor throwing up 2-3 times every hour and then going to the hospital to get an IV and have the nurse try and get it in 6 times before she was successful.  I still have bruises all over my arms and hands.

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  • It is almost like people who have never been that sick just can't comprehend it...... As if you are crazy for being that sick...... (There must be something wrong besides being pregnant)               I don't know what to say to people about it!  Also, if they ask me a week later if I am feeling better and I say no and they are surprised. Come on people this isn't the flu.
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  • imageohsaysaysay:

    Or when I tell people my sickness is so bad i'm not sure I can do this again, that this might be my last baby, and then tell me, "Oh you'll forget all about it once the baby comes." 

    I don't think I'll ever forget the evening I spent sleeping on my bathroom floor throwing up 2-3 times every hour and then going to the hospital to get an IV and have the nurse try and get it in 6 times before she was successful.  I still have bruises all over my arms and hands.

    I have thought this too. It was not fun when I had gotten so constipated from the zofran that I drank magnesium citrate and slept next to the toilet all night just incase! That was one of the worst nights of my life. It. is. not. fun.
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  • Later on in pregnancy, headaches and cramps often are from not drinking enough water, but morning sickness is NOT from drinking too little water.  I think the reason we get so much unsolicited advice from people who have never had kids is b/c those who have kids know better!!
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • The worst is getting advice from men.  I just want grab them by their balls and scream "You will never ever know what i'm going through!  Don't even try to pretend like you have an idea!"


    I could rant all day about this...

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  • I actually get annoyed that people constantly ask how I'm doing. I feel like there is no right answer. If you say you feel like crap, then they think something is wrong, but I am not one of those women who feel better being pregnant so I can't say that either.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imageohsaysaysay:

    I hate it when people tell me to drink more water!!  Especially after they find out i've been in the hospital for dehydration and ask, "Why don't you just drink more water?" 

    Well why don't you come visit next time I get really bad sickness and see what happens when I drink lots of water.  



    I can't drink water. I take a sip and throw up GALLONS. never could during first tri. 

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  • If one more person tells me to eat a soda cracker, I will scream!


    Plus I feel like people don't actually want to hear "awful" when they ask how you are doing.  When I tell people how I'm really feeling (well, I've been really sick, and it's all day) they look uncomfortable, tell me to eat a cracker, and then just sort of walk away.  It's very awkward, just don't ask if you don't want to know!

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  • imagesolsburyhill:

    If one more person tells me to eat a soda cracker, I will scream!


    Plus I feel like people don't actually want to hear "awful" when they ask how you are doing.  When I tell people how I'm really feeling (well, I've been really sick, and it's all day) they look uncomfortable, tell me to eat a cracker, and then just sort of walk away.  It's very awkward, just don't ask if you don't want to know!

    I worry that if I say I am miserable, people assume I mean being pregnant all together. I think that is why it gets awkward....... It is like the expected answer is "SOOO WONDERFUL squeee! I am so happy, I feel so sexy, and I have the best glowing skin ever! I LOVE every minute of this!"  

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  • I have been MIA from school for about a week (with the Dean's permission), and when I showed up for a lab yesterday and told my lab partner it was because I have been sick for the last week and a half, she responded by saying, "Well, I'm sick too.  I've had a sore throat for two days, but I'm here anyway, even though I don't want to be."  I almost laughed in her face.  Because her two-day sore throat is equivalent to my week and a half of vomiting once an hour.  I should have known better.
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  • imageohsaysaysay:

    Or when I tell people my sickness is so bad i'm not sure I can do this again, that this might be my last baby, and then tell me, "Oh you'll forget all about it once the baby comes." 

    I don't think I'll ever forget the evening I spent sleeping on my bathroom floor throwing up 2-3 times every hour and then going to the hospital to get an IV and have the nurse try and get it in 6 times before she was successful.  I still have bruises all over my arms and hands.

    This is me exactly. Plus, I throw in...on the off chance I happen to forget it...there is no way DH will have mommy amnesia and forget it. Please. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie - (hfj2)
  • imageSkyBee:

    Or when I tell people my sickness is so bad i'm not sure I can do this again, that this might be my last baby, and then tell me, "Oh you'll forget all about it once the baby comes." 

    I don't think I'll ever forget the evening I spent sleeping on my bathroom floor throwing up 2-3 times every hour and then going to the hospital to get an IV and have the nurse try and get it in 6 times before she was successful.  I still have bruises all over my arms and hands.

    I have thought this too. It was not fun when I had gotten so constipated from the zofran that I drank magnesium citrate and slept next to the toilet all night just incase! That was one of the worst nights of my life. It. is. not. fun.
    So happy to see that someone else got horribly constipated from the zolfran. I honestly can't figure out what is worse - my constant nausea or the constipation. Now I just take a stool softener every day when I take my zolfran. Is 1st tri over yet???
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