Pittsburgh Babies

HCG levels

Hi everyone

 I'm pretty new here, and suffered a miscarriage last March.  I was informed by my doc that if my HCG levels doubled that it is a viable pregnancy and not to get worried. They were 4w6d 855 5w2d 3052 and 5w5days 6799 they have doubled, and I want to be excited. But I just wanted to get someone elses opinoin on this matter.. What do you think?

Re: HCG levels

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    I don't know what any of that means, but it sure sounds like good news!!  :-)
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    Our doctor was looking to have our HCG levels double every 48 hours. It looks like a viable pregnancy. You will want to confirm with your doctor and the first ultrasound.

     I've found the following website helpful when looking at your Beta's: https://www.betabase.info/

    Stay strong, I know that miscarriage's can be a tough point in one's life. 





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    It looks like a viable pregnancy...hang in there and be strong!  I am hoping for the best for you.  Keep us updated!
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    I would say be excited!  I also had my levels checked twice and they were strong numbers and they doubled.  Weaker numbers that do not double are signs of weakness.
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