Washington Babies

Mommy Check In!

Hello Ladies!  Here is Mommy Check In!


I've added those that asked to be added (Zista, did you have to ask me twice?  When I saw you're name on there for some reason I thought you had already asked) and if you would like to be added just leave name and birthdate of your LO!


Jodilynn503's J is turning  1 this month!


KamronLee98's Blake is going to be 3 on Friday!  Happy Birthday! 



1/2/08  Sydney  (chibipoe)

1/8/10  Laurel  (mrs_smith717)

1/14/11  Jagger  (tfarbians)

1/15/10  Keegan  (CaenryB)

1/17/02  Annabelle  (LifesPeachy)

1/22/09  Holden  (~Lynchie~)

1/22/09  Justin & Ethan  (Ms*Girl) 

1/25/11  Alyssa  (harmony8283)

1/27/10  Ella  (kristalovesjared)

1/31/10  Emmeline  (braveangel2)


2/2010  J  (JodiLinn503)

2/11/08  Blake  (KameronLee98)

2/15/10  Lucia (Alli923)

2/16/02  Kiah  (massagegirly)

2/20   Brooklyn  (sunmountain)

2/27/2010  Amari  (tusshie2004)


3/6    Carson (sunmountain)

3/15/10  Hudson  (*Bloom2be*)

3/19/09  Maxwell  (keri1013)

3/20/07  Emmarie  (ohyeahdollface)

3/28/2007  Megan  (MrsAmyB)


4/8/10  Jaxx  (skenyon)

4/11/09  Maxwell  (KNemo)

4/18/08  Emma  (IkesHawaiian06)

4/27/10  Hayden  (jcyahne)

4/30/10  Grant (BriAndSean)


5/10/09  Cooper Flynn  (newmommy74)

5/12/10  Olivia  (Brynnie2010)

5/15/09  Cambryn  (itskacie)

5/20/08  Kaylin  (BriAndSean)

5/25/2010  Ryan, Kaitlyn & Khloe  (MrsAmyB)

5/26/2010  Aidan Thomas  (Irishsapphire)

5/27/09  Connor  (breebree13)

5/26/10  Sienna  (LMark)

5/27/10  Lydi  (mertense)

5/29/09  Harper  (cari12)

5/29/10  Evangeline  (blueLu25)

5/30/09  Collin  (MrsEditorJax)


6/08      G  (Mama_v2.0)

6/16/10  Sarah  (chibipoe)

6/24/97  Luke  (pinktulips)

 6/06      Z  (Mama_v2.0)

6/30/10  Alivia  (ATT&BTT)


7/2/08  Ella  (pinktulips)

7/6/10  ?Wolfy B?  (zazzu)

7/9/09  Blake  (MelodyFerg)

7/10/10  Emily  (Vonita)

7/13/08  Oliver  (blueLu25)

7/15/09  Lila  (IHeartHimMore)

7/16/08  Ray San  (MandR)

7/25/07  Audrey (Nancy_Drew)

7/27/05  Tillman  (baby_austin7/25)


8/11/10  Charlotte  (MSTie24)

8/13/07  Cruz  (tfarabians)

8/13/10  Isaac  (Zista)

 8/10        M  (Mama_v2.0)

8/22/10  Brendan  (mishquiche)

8/28/09  Ryan  (Nancy_Drew)


9/3/06  Caden  (MelodyFerg)

9/3/09  Austin  (ttgcole)

9/15/10  Audrey  (I*Heart*Stuart)

9/24/10  Thea  (pinktulips)

9/28/07  Lane  (skenyon)

9/29/10  Julia  (stacylu)

9/30/10  Madeline  (McJen15)


10/07      Walter  (WatchPot)

10/4/08  Tristen  (ChubbyCheekiesMom)

10/7/08  Jillian  (jcyahne)

10/9/08  Isa  (JRS72206)

10/9/10  Darby Jane  (Octoberlove)

10/14/10  Brayden  (KameronLee98)

10/15/10  Marin  (cari12)

10/18/10  Katie and Natalie  (cinema_goddess)

10/24/08  Hailey  (massagegirly)

10/25/2010  Lily  (JaimeCH)


11/2/09  Carter  (ckmommy)

11/2/10  Jacob  (heather318)

11/10/08  Mia  (I*Heart*Stuart)

11/12/10  Sydney  (breebree13)

11/14/10  Emeline  (doublem)

11/28/10  Chance  (sunnyinseattle1)

11/29/09  Madilynn  (Maddimom)


12/10/09  Quinn  (tobykitty)

12/13/10  Andrew  (rachel927)

12/26/10  Robert  (harshbarger2010)

What are you looking forward to this week?

Highs and lows from last week?

Questions for next week?

Last weeks questions from us!:

What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?

What is the trait that you love most about your LO?

Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?

When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?

How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?

Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??

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Re: Mommy Check In!

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    What are you looking forward to this week?  Today I picked up my custom order wallet, makeup bag and diaper and wipes case!  They are made with some of my husband's uniform and I L-O-V-E them!  And Thursday Livy and I get to hang out with three lovely ladies and their three handsome little men.Highs and lows from last week?  Highs - Having a few peaceful hours to myself for the first time in a long time while a friend looked after Livy.  And her husband painted Livy's toenails!  LoL Lows - Stella is really putting a damper on my marriage right now.  It sucks to have no drive, but it sucks even more for DH. Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?  We didn't babyproof nearly as well as we thought we did.  I basically sit on the floor with her most of the time so I can distract her when she starts grabbing the surround sound speakers, or the Wii remotes, or the volume control, etc. and distract her with another toy.What is the trait that you love most about your LO?  She may look like DH, but in personality she is a mini version of me!Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?  We didn't struggle too much, just kept it really bright during the day, and dark at night.  I even figured out how to change diapers in the dark.  And we did a "no talking" approach.  Shushing was ok, but we didn't use any words.When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?  We started naps in the crib probably about a week after we moved her to the crib at night.  I wanted her to be comfortable in there.How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  I'm not sure.  Probably one of the first times was maybe to the mall in July, which made her about 2 months or so?Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??  I need to get on this...  =/
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    What are you looking forward to this week? Birthday on Thur, wedding on Fri!

    Highs and lows from last week? High - Fun new work endeavors. Low - Extreme sleep regression.

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? Entertainment center stuff. Cords, DVD player...etc.

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? How outgoing she is.

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? You mean when they have their days and night confused? I forget! 

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? Around four months or so.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? Crowds or like the grocery store? We took her to Costco as two days old, but didn't start with event type stuff till around 5ish or so??

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? N/A

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    What are you looking forward to this week? Seeing a friend on Friday, a birthday party on Saturday.Highs and lows from last week?  Highs - Hearing Max say more words is really fun.
    Lows - Max has some weird random bug, threw up Thursday night, totally fine for two days, threw up yesterday morning. Hoping that was the last of it!Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?  Nothing specific comes to mind, but there have been several instances where he figures he can open a door or something like that and then we have to re-evaluate what's in there. :)
    What is the trait that you love most about your LO?  He is such a love! I love his snuggles and how he'll randomly say "Hi Mama" and "Hi Dada."
    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? I am a big fan of the early bedtime! Of course it's not a blanket solution for all kids, but it really worked well for us. When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?  The first couple months probably 75% of his naps were in the crib, the rest with us holding  him or in the car, stroller, etc. By 3 months we moved to most naps in the crib.
    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  I can't remember! We went places like Target pretty early, but he would have been in his car seat or being held.
    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? Zippo, just hang out at home. DH and I will get each other cards, but that's it. I should get something little for Max. And send my Bumpie Valentine!
    Photo by J. Shelton Photography
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageMy Blog
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    What are you looking forward to this week? Having no plans this weekend! Highs and lows from last week? High- DD spent the night with my parents for the first time and slept wonderfully for them... actually even better than she does here! :) Low- only getting 3 hours of sleep on Saturday night and being way too tired on Sunday!Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? Hmmm... I'd say the kitchen cabinets. She's always trying to get into them and pull out glass dishes!What is the trait that you love most about your LO? Her happy and loving personality and how she gets super excited about music!Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? I think around 6 weeks old she just figured it out on her own.When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? 8 months... yes, she took every single nap on us until then!How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? the store... 2 weeks old i think.Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? I need to get that figured out!
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    What are you looking forward to this week? My dad is coming to visit and getting ready for my trip to Seattle next week.

    Highs and lows from last week? High~Audrey starting to sleep through the night.  Low~Snow storm turned ice storm in a city that is even less prepared than Seattle and having everything shut down on Friday and most of Saturday.


    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? Everything on the low shelves *picture albums, etc*

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? How snuggly and energetic DD1 is and how calm and cute DD2 is.

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? I made sure the windows were all open during the day if we were home to get sun light in. 

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? With DD1 we did it at around 6 months.  I think we're going to start doing it with DD2 soon.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? We went out for short outings a few weeks after she was born.  Now we go out more often, though it took us a long time to get out at first but it was more because it's so much energy for me to get 2 kids ready and out when it's just me.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? Our play group is having a vday party.  I got them cute outfits, lollipops for DD1, and still looking for a gift for DH.


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    What are you looking forward to this week? Getting better. This cold is killing me.

    Highs and lows from last week?  Highs, I made whoopie pies for the first time and they were BOMB :-) Lows, Em and I are sick. Boo!

    Questions for next week? I have baby fever. BAD. DH and I aren't preventing, but I don't have much of a sex drive, help me help Stella get her groove on!

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? The drawer with the pads and tampons...

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? I love her friendly personality. She grabbed an old lady's hand today who pointed at how cute she was and started talking to her and walking with her. It was very sweet.

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? I have no clue

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? I put her in after she fell asleep usually.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? In the first week.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? No plans yet, but Em and I picked up a frame that says Family and I'm going to put a picture of Nathan and Em in it on one side and then on the other, I'm having Em draw something on the other said. I figure each year, I'll put a new picture and drawing/letter in it. :-)

    photo 2d6f681a-40e8-42e5-a771-5a26c7ad29fe_zpsdce5d654.jpg Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    What are you looking forward to this week?

    Highs and lows from last week?

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us?

    What did you "forget" to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking and he/she "showed" it to you?  We are slowly discovering little things.  Baby likes to put a lot of things in his mouth, so we have to really watch that he does not choke on anything. 

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO?  His smile and his big blue eyes--just melts my heart.

    Thoughts on how to switch baby's schedule from being up all night?  I have always heard that you stimulate them more during the day.  Our baby really caught on to when we sleep, and he sleeps from 11:00pm to 7:00am. 

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?  I prefer that he naps in his bouncer or his wedge, because he will stay on his back. If we put him in the crib, he wants to sleep on his stomach, and it is more difficult to watch him. 

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  We started with an outing to Babies R Us every weekend--gotta show off that baby and pick up supplies.  And we got more confident and learned what we needed to get by away from home for a couple of hours. 

    Valentine's Day plans and gifts for DH, LO & you?  I bought some cute Valentine cards with candy at a Christian shop in Tukwila.  I hope we have a nice night at home. 

    imageimageLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image BFP on 07/18/08. Miscarriage 07/30/08. BFP 3/25/09. Confirmed second miscarriage, no heartbeat, no growth beyond 7 weeks, 5/19/09. TTC again, on baby aspirin, due to value of 23 on Anticardiolipin Antibodies. BFP 11/15/09. Brown spotting, Beta 3735 11/25/09, Beta 5602 11/28/09. Anticardiolipin Antibodies now negative, still on baby asprin. On 100 mg of Prometrium (progesterone) until 10 weeks. Good heartbeat at 1st appt. 12/16/09. Started taking fish oil. Perigestational hemorrhage and red bleeding 12/17/09. 2nd Ultrasound-8 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/17/09. Baby measured 9 weeks, still a heartbeat 12/23/09. Good NT Scan on 1/8/10, heartbeat 164. EDD 7/28/10. TEAM BLUE! Aidan Thomas born on May 26, 2010. Baby #2, BFP 11/27/11, EDD 6/5/12. TEAM PINK! Noelle Elizabeth born 4/30/12. Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God, Blessing from God.
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    What are you looking forward to this week? Taking T and my mom to the zoo!

    Highs and lows from last week? High - Losing weight and having my family over for SB. Low - Extreme sleep regression DITTO, OMG Help me!

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? The biggest struggle for us was our gas fireplace, but we turned it off completely until he was old enough to understand the danger. 

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? The fact that he isn't afraid of other kids or people.  He loves attention and he's not afraid to get it!

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? If they have days and night confused, what worked for us was to keep the day very bright, somewhat noisy.  At night we kept the rooms dim, and quiet.  A lot of times we didn't let him sleep more than 3 hours during the day and allowed him to sleep more at night as well.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? 5 months all sleeping was in the crib.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? We went out right away, but no big crowds until after he was a bit older.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? We don't do anything for Vday.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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    What are you looking forward to this week?Meeting with a real estate agent and starting the process of purchasing our first home, I'm also terrified at the same time.

    Highs and lows from last week? it was kind of a boring week around here nothing exciting happened.

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? with L it was books on the book shelf, with J it's been drawers that we rarely use

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? L is really good with words he can remember them and use them once he's heard them a time or two and he's started asking what different words mean. J is super silly he has a great sense of humor and has the funniest laugh it reminds me of Revenge of the Nerd.

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? I wish I had advice we are suffering from serious sleep issues here.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?At 5 months we moved him into his own room and starting sleeping there for nap and bedtimes

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? When L was born I think about a month, with J it as longer because he was sick right after he was born and it was also so much harder to get out with the two.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??Probably make a pancake breakfast and get cards for the boys. DH and I don't really ''celebrate" it

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    What are you looking forward to this week?  Dinner out tomorrow night.  Highs and lows from last week?  Lows Taxing work week. Highs watching Q taking her first steps. 

    Last weeks questions from us!:What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? Forgot  to put a plug cover in outlet next to couch.. Also she loves to turn off the computer. =)   What is the trait that you love most about your LO? She is usually really easy and happy.  Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?I think that it just took time... Hardly remember the first few months due to lack of sleep.   When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?   few months in. Naps off and on in crib now, but usually in the livingroom when she sacks out.  How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  My folks insisted lunch at olive garden at 11 days old.  Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? Just a card for each of them. 
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    Can you add me please?

    Lucas 6/13/10


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    What are you looking forward to this week?

    Celebrating DH's b-day

    Highs and lows from last week?

    High: Going to the Harry Potter: The Exhibition at the Pacific Science & exploring the buterflies with LO & DH!

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?

    Nothing yet, That's why I asked this question :-)

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO?

    Her easy going personality - just like DH. 

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?

    We tried it in the beginning by trying to keep her awake but then she put herself on a good schedule. We are very lucky.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?

    When we got her crib after moving into the new house. 

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?

    We did a quick trip to the mall when she was a week old to show her off to DH's old co-workers.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??

    I plan to try to get a cute pic of DD for DH & friends/family.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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    What are you looking forward to this week?  Dinner out with my parents on Sat for my dad's bday, sans kiddo.  We haven't gotten to see them, just the 4 of us, in a loooooooong time.  Maybe since even before Lila was born.  I can't really remember.

    Highs and lows from last week?  We've had a pretty rough week, so I'm having a tough time coming up with the high.  :(  I have an obnoxious, lingering cold, DH has a horrific man-cold, and Lila's had a bad cold too.  To top that off, she now has an ear infection and a staph infection.  Poor kid can't catch a break.  :(

    Questions for next week?  Have you used a non-friend or family, actual paid babysitter?  If so, how old was LO when you first did it?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?  We've been really lucky.  L doesn't (and never did) really get into much. ::knock on wood::  We only did the obvious stuff - gate at the stairs, locks on the cabinet under the sink, outlet covers.  If she gets close to something she shouldn't, a stern "not for babies" works every time.  And for whatever reason she loses interest.  

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO?  She blows my mind every day.  Is that a trait?  I'm always amazed at how well she listens, retains information, and picks things up.  My little smarty pants.  Big Smile

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?  Man - I don't miss that stage.  I think we just tried to keep things bright and active as much as possible during the day and super dark, quiet and mellow at night.  But I think we mostly just waited it out.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?  Hmm? I booted her from the bassinet in our room to her crib at 1 month old for night time.  I think (some) naps happened around the same time.  Though she always slept MUCH better and longer if she napped on me.  I think I stopped letting her do that at all at around 3 months.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  Her first outing was to the Apple Store at U Village when she was 3 days old.  She screamed the whole way there and the whole way back, but slept happily on DH while walking around.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??  None.  We don't really do v-day around here.

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    What are you looking forward to this week?  Charlie's 6 month photos with Justine on Sunday, V-Day dinner Sunday night.Highs and lows from last week?  Highs: Ugh, there really weren't any.  Lows: Nothing lower than finding out my dog has cancer. :(Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you?  N/A yetWhat is the trait that you love most about your LO?  How happy she is!  She has the biggest, brightest smile and loves to show it off.Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night?  No great ideas, but I'd try to get quality naps in the day (they say a baby who naps well sleeps well) and keep nighttime silent and dark.  Gripe water has helped us get her to sleep too.When did you transition napping to occur in the crib?  Ha!  Hasn't happened yet.  Will try prewarming it with the heating pad and use her "nighttime sounds" toys (sleep sheep and Violet's lullabyes.)How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born?  I took her to Belle Square at 5 days- it was hot as balls and we needed to cool down.  Obviously I did not let strangers get near her though.Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you??  DH and I are going to dinner on Sunday night while Grandpa babysits.  I have some cute bloomers for DD, not sure what else.  DH just wants a woodworking gift card (or a BJ.)  Think I'll order that card... ;)

    image Visit The Nest!

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    What are you looking forward to this week? Vday dinner on Saturday! 

    Highs and lows from last week? highs: girls' night and our first post-baby date

    lows: giving Open House curriculum presentations (they went fine, but I was at work for over 12 hours that day and really hate speaking in front of adults), running out of time to pump one day

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? n/a

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? She is a good sleeper and likes to chat with me in the bathroom (it's so funny!).

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? We did the whole noise/music/lights during the day (even with naps) and then quiet/calm or no music/dark in the evenings.  I think it took about 3-4 weeks until she consistently had her longest stretch at night.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? also n/a

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? We went to the mall when she was about a week old to buy nursing bras and socks that would fit her little feet - but she was in the carseat/Moby the whole time.  Church was a week after that, but the same deal.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? Our church does a fun dinner where all the men get together and cook the meal and serve appetizers to the ladies, and then we all sit down to eat the main meal buffet-style.  I think I'm going to order him a subscription to his favorite magazine.  Nothing for LO as of yet.

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    What are you looking forward to this week? Not much off the top of my head!  That sounds horrible, but it's a pretty low key week.

    Highs and lows from last week? High: Being able to tie Laurel's hair in a hair tie.  She's had enough to do it, it's the sitting still and not pushing me away part that's been a challenge. Low: Being annoyed with how all of us have not been completely healthy since probably August.

    Questions for next week?

    Last weeks questions from us!:

    What did you ?forget? to babyproof when LO was crawling/walking & he/she ?showed? it to you? We're not huge baby proofers.  We watch her more and try to "teach" (ha yeah right) what she needs to leave alone.  We really need to get a baby gate for the doorway to the cat box though.  Thank goodness, we haven't had any problems yet.

    What is the trait that you love most about your LO? I love love love the way she scrunches up her nose when she's smiling/being silly.

    Thoughts on how to switch a baby?s schedule from being up all night? We, fortunately, didn't have too many problems in that regard.  I think it helped that when we were doing night feedings, I had her light on a dimmer and I kept the light REALLY low in her room during night feedings and then I would put her back to bed right after feeding.

    When did you transition napping to occur in the crib? I'm a CIO after 4 months fan.  Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.  Then again, DD slept in her crib right away, so it wasn't a huge deal.

    How soon did you take LO out in crowds after she/he was born? We went to Target after our first post partum appt., so 3?4? days.  She was fine!  If they're in the carseat, they're fine.  I only had one lady tell me that she should be at home, and she was 5 weeks old.

    Valentine?s Day plans & gifts for DH, LO & you?? DH and I are going to go out to dinner on Sunday.  DD is too little to really "get" V-Day, but I'll get her a card and we'll probably celebrate it on Sunday with some pink and red food. :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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