Has done nothing more than make me love my APers. I love that we are willing to express our thoughts, support each other, choose to follow "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it", try our best to do more then just get by, and accept that we all have our own problems and feel for one another.
To those of us who have been attacked recently, it all shows that we have a home here with similar minded ladies. I am glad to have you!
Re: This troll fest
i agree with the overall sentiment of this post, but i just want to point out that i appreciate this board because we're NOT all similar minded in everything. i formula feed, use 'sposies, don't co-sleep, and work full time, and yet i never felt judged on this board-- even if i don't agree with what someone else has to say. i think the real"similar mindedness" we have is that we all respect the fact that we're each trying to do our best at parenting in a way that makes sense for our families.
This is exactly what I was trying to say by using similar minded instead of like minded. You said it much better than I did!
Oh if you only followed the golden rule with your sister in law!
I bet if they did a study, they would find the AP board had the highest number of C&P. You provide so much entertainment to the nest and other boards on the bump.
Bunch of judgmental twats
Wait a second...we are twats, but you hide behind an AE instead of just calling us out under your real SN? Hmmm...
Hello pot....my name is kettle...
Hee hee!! I posted the same, right as you posted!!!
I think this is the funniest thing I've read all day! And, I'm so happy we can entertain the Bump. What an honor.
You people have absolutely no conception of the definition of "troll" as it relates to the interwebs.
Calling you on your nonsensical judgefests does not a troll make.
True freaking story.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
What she said.
Go back to voting people off the island in your stupid little club. Here is the link where she trash talks her SIL.
It wasn't the judgefest that made the trolls ... 'twas the AEs.
A troll, by definition, is someone who posts an intentionally provocative, incendiary and often fallacious argument or opinion solely to get an internet community fired up. If you all weren't actually serious and agreeing with each other in the sanctimommy circle-jerk that is the AP board, all your "I swear I'm not judging" bull**** posts would be a much more accurate example or trolling.
And FTR, most of us here are telling you all you're ridiculous on our regular screennames, and we're being called trolls as well. Your understanding of that word is way off-base.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
i love that you use the phrase "by definition" as if Webster himself actually validated the use of the word "troll" in that context for message boards.
shame on you ladies for not knowing the proper urban dictionary definition of "troll"!
GOOD JOB! You can use dictionary.com! Here is another definition of Troll, in case your wondering:
... [deleted]
Never mind.
Yup, you got me. That hasn't been the definition of internet trolling since the phrase was first coined or anything. You can actually find that same definition of dictionary.reference.com and encarta.msn.com's dictionary, but whatever.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
Sure, there are some ridiculous posts made on here. There are ridiculous posts made on most of the boards, too. IMO, the ridiculous posts are not showered with unicorn farts and rainbows, for the most part they're disagreed with in a respectful manner as opposed to a blatant flaming.
I say for the most part because some ridiculous posts do get away without a disagreement, but some ridiculous posts on other boards get away without a flaming, too.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
So.... All the people from other boards who come here and reply to posts with "intentionally provocative, incendiary, and often fallacious arguments or opinions" solely to get the AP board fired up AREN'T trolls by definition?
Whew, glad you cleared that up for me.