Pregnant after a Loss

not again ...(whine)

I have been having issues at night feeling like I can't catch my breath... my bp was up at the doctors office the other day so I chalked it up to never meeting this particular doctor and feeling like I might be looked at as the over the top crazy preg woman...I thought maybe stress and anxiety were continuing and maybe it was my blood pressure making me feel tight chested...

 Anyways I wake up this morning coughing crap up... I guess its not blood pressure which is good but im catching this crappy cold that totally knocked me down at the first of the month..AGAIN... I guess i will make a trip to the GP tomorrow and see if I can get ahead of it... we leave for vacation in a week and I just don't need this again.

BFP #1 04/05/10 EDD 12/11/10 Missed M/C 7w found out at 12w5d You're so missed LO BFP #2 11/27/10 EDD 08/07/11.. Diagnosed with IC 03/17/11 Cerclage put in place 03/21/11 Madilynn Mae born 7/26/11

Re: not again ...(whine)

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