Trouble TTC

Follies wont grow even with 150mg

Today is CD 17 for me. I have done 4 rounds of clomid and this last one was 150 mg. Today my largest follicle was 14 (it was 15.5 on Friday). I have gone in 4 times in the last week to check and have had no growth and actually it shrunk a little today. I am going in again on Thursday to see if there is a mature one, but I am not optimistic. Has anyone ever had that happen? I am guessing I will be doing injectables next.

 This is part of a rant and I guess part of a question....has anyone not had any mature follicles on clomid (particularly that high of a dose of clomid) but did well on injectables?? Or has anyone not had any follicles this late in the cycle and no addtl stims/meds and seen growth?


Re: Follies wont grow even with 150mg

  • Do you have PCOS and are you IR?  I do, and Metform and a low carb diet helped me a lot in conjunction with Clomid. 

    I tried 150 mg of Clomid, and it didn't work.  Then I did low cab and gave the Met some time to kick in, and it worked for me.  After 2 cycles that ended in BFN, I have just moved onto injects.As of CD 8 (yesterday) I had 3 lead follicles (6, 7 and 8mm) and my RE was pleased with my response. 

    Many people on SAIF did not have success with Clomid, but with Femera or injects.  Good luck!!! 

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  • Hi there. I feel your pain. I did 100 and 150 mg of Clomid with follies no bigger then 12. And then when they were supposed to be growing, they were shrinking. I did not O off either cycle and we didn't trigger. When 150 mg didnt work, i spoke to my RE and he said that in his opinion he found that if people did O off 200 mg Clomid that they usually didn't get pregnant. So we didnt try another cycle of Clomid and went to Gonal F. I started out not responding as usual and it was very slow. Then i just took off and ended up over responding. I made over 50 follies, 25 at least were mature. We thought we triggered with Lupron but turns out, it didnt work, still no O. Based on how i responded on Gonal F, we were advised to do IVF. I did have a mild case of OHSS last cycle.

    Moving to injects was scary but not bad at all! I used Gonal F and the needle barely hurt. We stimmed for 11 days and i think i bled one time and the only marks left behind were from the bandaids! If you do move on i hope it does the trick for you! GL!

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  • I just moved on to injectables from clomid. I started on 100mg but it made my lining too thin. so we did 1 cycles on 50mg and got 1 mature follicle each time. I went in yesterday for an u/s and had 3 that are almost mature. I go back tomorrow for another check and hopefully the trigger for iui on thursday. my dr was very happy with the progress yesterday so it seems like it's working much better than the clomid. good luck!
  • Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I took 50 mg of clomid last month and never O'd. Then, I was bumped to 100 mg of clomid this month and went in on Friday to find out that I have numerous cysts all over my ovaries and the largest follicle was a 5. (by the way, I also take 1000 mg of metformin a day) So, I mentioned to my doc about Femara (similar to clomid but is supposed to be better for PCOS women). Therefore, since I have PCOS and was officially diag with it on Friday, we will most likely try the Femara in Feb. for my appt but I he will have to induce AF first since she is always MIA. So, I'll have to start the provera first and then move on to the femara. Maybe you want to think about that before injects or IVF. Just a thought. GL

  • Thank you for all the info. I have not been diagnosed with PCOS, though I do have many symptoms! I have "unexplained" IF and also am anovulatory so very IR as well (AF comes any where from 52-90 days apart.)

     I have also been on Metformin for 5 months (1500). I will be talking to my RE on Thursday and will mention Femara and injects. to see what he thinks. Thanks for letting me know the options. I feel better knowing that some people can produce follicles on other things after such a high dose of clomid did nothing. GL to all of you ladies!

    Thank you!

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