January 2011 Moms

Anyone else still pregnant??

I'm 39 weeks today and still pregnant. I feel like I can go any day now but it hasn't happened yet.I guess she is comfortable and cozy in there.=) My mom gets here hopefully saturday so baby can wait till after my mom is here. My mom will be helping with the  LOs and she helps  alot cleaning and cooking. So I'm so blessed to have her with me. I can't wait to meet my baby though. Good Luck to everyone who goes into labor this weekend..

Re: Anyone else still pregnant??

  • Me, and I'm not progressing at all.  My EDD is this Monday.  I could easily get to my scheduled induction date, Feb 2, at this rate. 


  • Oh I go to my 39 week appt tomorrow so I'll see if I progressed a little.Last week  I was only 1cm dilated and  not effaced at all. I've been having a lot of BH contrax and cramping but no bloody show yet.
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  • CryingI'm overdue!! Stick out tongue And it's driving me crazy!!! No signs of labor...haven't lost my MP, haven't had any contractions that didn't go away as soon as I drank some water....Nothing!!! Crying

    I'm about to leave for my 40wk appt. Hoping to have made some progress or set an induction date. I am so ready!!!

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  • I'm still here, ready for LO to come. That's awesome you have tons of support from your mom. I have no close family that lives near us but DH's mom and a bunch of my friends have been super helpful for me. Friends have already offered to come over to help cook a couple times a week to take the stress off of us. I really hope I'm one of those that goes into labor this weekend.
  • Still pregnant... due on Sunday (1/23)... hoping I don't have to be induced, but if I do, it will be on the 28th (next Fri) so this baby has exactly 1 week from today to come on her own. I have contractions all day and sometimes all night but only BH so nothing that's really doing anything. Bummer! I've been 1 cm and 50% effaced for 2.5 weeks now and I'm feeling the "I'll be pregnant forever" thing too! 
  • Still pregnant and SOOOOOO ready!  EDD is this Saturday (1/22) and induction is scheduled for 2/1 if I make it that far.  I don't wanna be a Feb momma!  I guess the good news is that there is an end in sight even though I don't want to be induced.  My family is coming into town on the 29th so I'd really like to have baby Nicolas on the outside by then.

    Yesterday I was 3 cm dilated, 80% effaced, 0 station, soft, anterior cervical position.  All is favorable for this baby to come any day now so I'm hopeful, but not overly optimistic.  

    I've measured behind pretty much all pregnancy (4 or 5 weeks based on fundal height), but the last growth scan was completely normal (62nd percentile and good amniotic fluid levels).  Regardless, I'm scheduled for another growth scan on Monday if I make it that far.  If anything looks questionable this time that induction date will get moved up.

    Come on baby!!! 

  • Me! Today is my due date, in fact. I go in for a check this afternoon and am hoping for some progress as there's not been much so far. I'm just trying to enjoy these last couple of days of solitude - it's going to be the last time I'm alone for a long long time!
  • Yep, still pregnant. Baby was due on 1-11-11 and yet still no baby.  I have had a NST and baby is fine so no induction date yet. I have an appt. on Monday if he hasnt come by then an induction date will be set.  I am still only dilated to 1.  Really hoping to avoid an induction but baby doesnt seem to want to come out. Crying
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  • Still pregnant...1/2 cm and 50% effaced, but that's no progress from last week.
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  • Yup, I'm pregnant. Only 39 weeks as of tomorrow but I am so ready. I'm 90% effaced and 1cm dilated, and hoping that things will continue to progress so that little one will decide to make his/ her appearance already!
  • Me :( 

    I'm just hoping I don't have to be induced. My 40 week appointment is on the 24th and an induction will be scheduled at that point for around the 31st. I'm really hoping I go into labor before then.

  • Me, and I'm not progressing at all.  Had my 39 weeks appt this morning (I'm 39 weeks today...my siggy is wrong) and absolutely no progress.  It's so frustrating because I had a few hours of contractions on Sunday and then this morning at 1:30am I was woken up from the contractions and had them for a few hours as well.  We all need some serious labor dust!
  • Overdue as well. Physically, I'm feeling wonderful, but I'm a nervous wreck by now.

    Baby's estimated to weigh 9 lbs, possibly 9 lbs and 4 oz as of today. My gyn is pushing for me to get a c-section, however, the hospital sees no reason to at this point (since weight estimates are to be taken with a grain of salt). It's a renowned university hospital and they pride themselves in their low rates of Cesareans. I feel really torn between what I believe are two extremes in opinions and it's starting to really get to me.

    Now baby is not stationed solidly in pelvis anylonger, but seems to have moved back up some again + I have yet to feel any contractions at all. So gyn thinks I'm not progressing, doctors at the hospital differ between 'there's some, but no contrax and baby not moving further down may mean it's really too big' and 'baby is no dwarf but less than 8 lbs 6 oz and everything is wonderful and progressing'.

    I am starting to get so worried about this, I'm determined to demand a c-section by monday if things haven't changed dramatically by then.

    Sorry, just realized I'm throwing myself a pity party Embarrassed!

    Here's to a wonderful and soon labour for all of us waiting!

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    Me! I'll be 40 weeks on Mon (1/24). I really feel for you ladies who are overdue! I can't stand it anymore myself! Appt on Wed. was 2 cm dilated (been like that for 1 1/2 weeks) --- I feel behind too  -my next appt is 1/26 to do an NST and 'talk about induction' - so of you ladies I see already have yours scheduled?

    Sympathy for everyone! Good Luck to all of you!

    BTW - KKbabylove, would it make you feel any better? My girlfriend is due 1/31. Her csection is scheduled for 1/25 at 8:30AM. Her baby via u/s is MORE than 10 lbs (and that was 2 weeks ago). EGADS

  • I'm still pregnant, too. Today's my due date and it doesn't look like anything is going to happen. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday and found out I'm 2 centimeters dilated, 80% effaced, soft, forward facing cervix and baby is at 0 station. So, who knows. I don't have another appointment until Wednesday and will be 40 wks and 6 days then and absolutely demanding an induction date! I just am so tired of being pregnant and really want to meet my baby. Sorry for the whining.
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  • I am STILL here... 41 wks, 1 day with an induction scheduled for 7:30pm tonight. 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, ZERO contrax - no change in the last several weeks. I really hope the induction goes well and our LO is here tomorrow. Wish us luck!!!
  • Today is my due date.  I don't feel like he's coming anytime soon...only 1 cm dilated and no significant contractions, we'll just wait and see when our little man wants to arrive!
  • Im 39 weeks and 4 days I'll be having my 39 week appt tomarrow morning hoping for more progress so far im dilated to 3cm and 80% effaced, been experiencing some BH but nothing major. My mother in-law is also staying with me for the first week and my mother is staying the second, were very blessed to have such thoughtful parents! Praying I'll go into labor soon i cant wait to meet my little blessing and good luck to everyone else who goes into labor also! :)








  • I am and on my wits end since I am still bed ridden. I go in for another doctor appt. tomorrow and I may talk to him about my options for inducing..since today was a TERRIBLE day and my DH is 2 hours away. The weather is awful and I want him home. :( ok my mini "woe is me" vent is over. Hoping all of us get to see our LO soon! Labor Dust to all the rest of the Jan mamas!
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  • Still pregnant here, too.  I'm finally feeling the pressure from her dropping, so that's got to be something!  Still feeling pretty good, but no MP or any other hints that she's coming soon.  I thought for sure that the full moon would do it, too.  Best of luck to all of you mommies.  We'll get there soon!



  • Yep, still here and still pregnant. I've been having contractions about every 10 minutes for about a week. I sure hope that they get stronger and closer together sometime/someday soon.  I'm very tired.
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  • Tomorrow is my due date, but I have a feeling I will go past.  I am 60% effaced, and have been losing my mucus plug all week, so I am hoping something happens soon!  I am sick of everybody telling me to hurry up!
  • I am! I'll be 39 weeks this coming Sunday..I'm so ready to go but obviously little J wants to be in longer so that's fine with me..
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