School-Aged Children

debbiezoey - American Girls' books


Hello! So glad that you're on this board. Our poor Hawaii board is so slow and I hardly think my FB friends care about kids' hygiene. I wanted to check in with you to see what you thought about the American Girl books that you ordered. Have you had the chance to look through them? Do they seem good? Up to date? Are some better than others?

I wonder if an 8 or 9 year girl would really be interested in reading a book about the care and keeping of herself? Do they make it sounds all fun and sparkly? Want to hear something funny? We have the hardest time getting my daughter to brush her teeth. She's never done it without being reminded. She always ends up in the mirror singing to herself... comes out 10 minutes later... we ask if she's brushed her teeth... she responds, "Oh, I forgot"... back in she goes. We just figured she's always distracted. Well, guess what? We just got her ears pierced. She has no problem cleaning them 3 times a day with no reminder.

Newlyweds since 2007

Re: debbiezoey - American Girls' books

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    Hi Nancy!

    I know, the Hawaii board is SUPER slow now.  I still spend lots of time on the baby boards (mostly lurking!) as that seems to be where all our "regulars" are most of the time!

     We actually haven't received the books yet but I will let you know when I do and what I think of them.  I'm really excited about them and hope they live up to the hype.  When you have time, read the reviews on Amazon.  There are a lot of them and most are VERY positive!  Neither Ellie, nor I have any desire for the "American Girls" dolls or toys so at first I was a little put off when I saw that was who created them.  I don't have anything against AG, but just not our cup of tea as Ellie has never played with dolls. 

    Ellie and I are very open and and I don't hide any personal hygiene that I do from her so she's already asked lots of questions and receptive to learning more. Although she's only 8, I have the feeling she will develop early, as did I, and just want to make sure she's completely comfortable with all that's going to go one with her body.  I feel a book that she can take privately to her room and explore will only help to start further conversations and keep the dialog open and flowing! 

    Yeah, I hear ya about the teeth brushing.  She'd go all weekend without brushing them if she could. We have to remind her everyday to do it and it's funny you mention your daughter singing in the mirror!  That's EXACTLY what Ellie does!  She's much rather stare at herself and sing than get ready for school.   Same with doing her hair too!  But it has to come sometime right?  I'll give her the books now I figure and she'll use them when she's ready? 

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    I have the Care and Keeping of You, by the American Girl Company.  I bought it for my DD when she was about 8.  It's really very well done.  Everything is matter of fact and it talks about brushing teeth and showering, and changes in your body and then goes to healthy eating, fitness, healthy relationships with peers.

    It has in a couple sections, "letters/questions" written in by anonymous girls about eating disorders, how to deal w/ teasing if you develop earlier or later, etc.

    It was a great place for me to read with my DD to explain things and we went over sections as it pertained to what was going on.  My DD is 14 now and still references it.

    I highly recommend it just because it doesn't talk down to kids, it keeps everything age appropriate for the 8-14 set and everything has a positive attitude about you are who you are and people like you for who you are on the inside.  It doesn't focus on the changes in a scary way it just says this might happen sooner or later  but it doesn't change who you are.

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    Sweetie - thanks for the input. I think I'll order it from amazon.

    Debbie - my daughter isn't into dolls either. My friend asked how it was even possible that she didn't have an American Girl doll.

    Newlyweds since 2007
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