December 2010 Moms

Do you get much work done at home?

I'm looking around the living room and dining room while sitting here BFing and noticing what a pit it has become. It seems that if I do get any time to do anything I can only unload the dishwasher or something similarly quick. Is anyone else pretty much chained to the BFing chair?

Re: Do you get much work done at home?

  • Yup, pretty much.  I was just looking around my house thinking what a mess it is, so I hear you.
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  • imageMadison830:

    Usually I make his late afternoon nap the time for me to get things done around the house. Each day I manage to do at least one thing - either the dishwasher/kitchen, one day I vacuumed, etc. I try to make the bed most days, but it doesn't happen every day!


    Where does your LO sleep? Mine will fall asleep at the breast or in my arms and as soon as I put her down she screams. I can't take it so I'll end up holding her pretty much all day.
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  • Our house is mostly a mess. I have a hard time getting anything done besides the things that can't really wait... laundry, dishes, taking out the trash. I have pretty much done all the laundry, but DH does all the cooking.

    I swept the kitchen and vaccumed / dusted the living room ONCE since Stella arrived -- only did that bc my mom was over and held her and bc I had girlfriends coming over.

    DH cleaned the toilet and bathtub once.

    I think it's hard bc of Christmas -- gifty clutter everywhere. Mail is piling... tree is still up... guest bedroom is stacked with extra baby stuff, boxes and gift bags GALORE.

    God, the sheets on our bed SERIOUSLY need washed.

  • imagestellabelle:

    Our house is mostly a mess. I have a hard time getting anything done besides the things that can't really wait... laundry, dishes, taking out the trash. I have pretty much done all the laundry, but DH does all the cooking.

    This sounds like me. I washed out sheets yesterday only because Natalie had projectile poop when DH changed her. I agree about Christmas, we got our tree down this weekend but there are gift remnants everywhere!
  • yep, i feel like i'm just a milking cow so most of the time i bump or fb from my phone while bfing... i want to get things done but it just doesn't seem to happen so at the beginning of the week i made a list and i accomplish at least one thing from my list a day so i don't feel like a complete and utter failure... 1ht
  • If my mom and MIL didn't come over and help clean each day, my house would be a disaster area.  I can only get one thing done at a time when LO takes a nap.
    photo IMG_6758_zps3fe7e628.jpg
  • imagekayleighlovesjacob:
    yep, i feel like i'm just a milking cow so most of the time i bump or fb from my phone while bfing... i want to get things done but it just doesn't seem to happen so at the beginning of the week i made a list and i accomplish at least one thing from my list a day so i don't feel like a complete and utter failure... 1ht
    A list is a great idea! I think part of my problem is being so overwhelmed with things to do.
  • imagekayleighlovesjacob:
    yep, i feel like i'm just a milking cow so most of the time i bump or fb from my phone while bfing... i want to get things done but it just doesn't seem to happen so at the beginning of the week i made a list and i accomplish at least one thing from my list a day so i don't feel like a complete and utter failure... 1ht
    A list is a great idea! I think part of my problem is being so overwhelmed with things to do.
  • Yep, I feel like a got a baby on my boob all. the. time.  My parents are coming over this afternoon so I can run some errands and get things done.  We bought a swing for her this weekend, which she loves, but I feel guilty about leaving her in it for long periods of time so I usually am bfing or holding her. 
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  • imageMadison830:

    Usually I make his late afternoon nap the time for me to get things done around the house. Each day I manage to do at least one thing - either the dishwasher/kitchen, one day I vacuumed, etc. I try to make the bed most days, but it doesn't happen every day!


    Where does your LO sleep? Mine will fall asleep at the breast or in my arms and as soon as I put her down she screams. I can't take it so I'll end up holding her pretty much all day.

    I usually put him in his crib for most naps - just to keep his sleeping place consistent. Or, I put him in the pack n play. Our's plays music and/or vibrates, which is a nice feature when he goes down for his nap wide awake!

    We have a swing but she seems to hate it. Maybe I should try some music.
  • The moby saves me bc my LO won't let me put him down, ever. H and I have an agreement that every night before we go to bed we each do 1 housework thing, whether it's dishes, sweeping, taking laundry down, sorting and starting it, clean up the bathroom- whatever. It only takes about 10 minutes and it has helped SO MUCH! It's also better because to try to tackle everything that has fallen behind is overwhelming.
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  • I can do a lot while wearing her. I do dinner when H gets home and can take both kids. THings that require more effort (changing the bed linen, cleaning floors, etc) dont' get done so much though.
    Mum to W (4) and M (nearly 2)
  • I am getting more and more done every day. But I also go in spurts where I slack off and then have a super-productive day or two and then back to slacking off... ;)
    Mom to J (10), L (4), and baby #3 arriving in July of 2015
  • dishes, laundry (washing, not putting away), and trash are about all i manage. it's not worth waking LO by trying to put her down.
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