D.C. Area Babies

DD is going to have a little...

...sister! I had my US on Friday and we found out we are having another girl. I just got a call from the doctor and everything looked good so I'm so thankful that the baby looks healthy. I can't believe I'm already half-way through this pregnancy.

It's going to be busy over the next few months because we are moving in February. We're moving into a home that's around the corner from my inlaw's house which I'm really excited about. It has a lot more space than our current house and I adore my inlaws so I look forward to being able to have our children grow up near them. They are both retired but in good health so they help us out a lot. It will be good to have them close with the new baby coming.

Oh, and here's a side story. DH always teases me about my "plastic bins" in the attic. He says that every few months, I buy more plastic bins from Target and fill them up. One day he says, "What are in all of those plastic bins in the attic? the number of them just keeps growing and growing. You need to get rid of some of them." They are mostly baby stuff and clothes from DD#1. I tried to explain to him that every 3 months, babies change sizes so every 3 months there is a new bin of clothes. I told him I could donate the clothes but it would be giving away hundreds of dollars worth of stuff and I want to keep it in case we have another girl. Anyway, finding out on Friday that we are having another girl made me feel very justified with my "plastic bins" and DH will be happy to know that the only things we need to purchase for the new baby is a double stroller and another monitor.


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