Indiana Babies

Monday check-in

Where and how?

Weekend highlight?

When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it?

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Re: Monday check-in

  • CD23, no O yet. feel good albeit slightly hungover after two bottles of wine last night ;-)

    Weekend highlight -  getting our new mattress!

    Vacation - Memorial Day, we're taking a family trip (with ILs and siblings/spouses) to Traverse City

    Pregnancy Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Where and how? 13w5d, feeling not so good again but probably from a lack of sleep

    Weekend highlight? Saturday my littlest sister's volleyball team won gold in their first tournament of the year and Sunday I hosted a birthday party for my oldest little sister and dad

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? I'm really trying to not take any vacation or sick time this year so I have a lot saved up for baby, but I'm really not feeling well today so I may go home and do some work from there.  In March we are going to Ireland so that is our next planned time off. 

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  • 1. ???- Feeling tired.  DH must have woken Isabelle up while he was getting ready for work this morning. 

    2. It was nice to have extra time with Isabella and just being at home.  I really miss being a SAHM.  DH was hardly around though, so I didn't get much done, and he didn't do a damn thing while he was home.

    3. No clue when my next day off is, but I'm looking forward to a nap lol. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Where and how? 28w1d.  Feeling all right.  A little tired, but overall still doing OK.

    Weekend highlight? Shopping with my sisters yesterday.  I found a cute shirt for DH's work party in a couple weeks.

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it?

    My next weekday off is a week from Wednesday.  DH will be off work too.  We may go to the movies.  

  • 1. cd8, good other than having a sick LO and me feeling like I'm trying to catch something.

    2. Nothing really, just stayed home and took care of a sick baby.

    3. ha, today, home with a sick baby.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP #2 11/4/12 EDD 7/20/12 missed M/C 12/13/12 @8w5d D&C 12/21/12
    DX 2/7/13 with an alloimmunity + for anti-paternal antibodies started Lovenox daily & BA
    BFP 2/16/13 EDD 10/28/13

  • Where/How
    28w3d pregnant, with an almost 21-month-old. Tired. Always tired.

    Weekend Highlight
    I didn't do much this weekend. I guess the highlight would be finally picking out and getting the paint for LO#2's nursery (not painted yet), and painting the base molding. Slow progress, but at least it's progress. Oh, and Paige had suddenly taken an interest in being a "big girl" which means she sits in one of our chairs at the dining room table instead of her high chair... which means she eats more of her meal and throws less of it on the floor (because that's what "big girls do"). The Kansas-Michigan basketball game was exciting - I always forget how much I love NCAA basketball until it starts.

    Vacation Day
    I have to take two days off sometime in January, but no idea what I'll do with them. Probably work on LO#2's nursery.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 17w2d - whoa. Indifferent

    Game night with friends

    never!!!! dang it!

  • 1. CD12.  Feeling good.  Getting a lot done this morning which totally helps!

    2. Went to church (felt really good after not going for a while), had a nice low-key "just us" weekend.

    3.  Well since mine is never, DH is Memorial Day and we are thinking of going to Vegas kid-free.  We are going to go this spring some time, just not sure when.  We were thinking Memorial day because it's our anniversary and a 3 day weekend.  Now I'm wondering if that is such a good idea.

  • Where not sure and how? doing fine - happy with myself that I worked out before work this morning!

    Weekend highlight? organizing the basement a bit & finalizing a lot of decisions for the bathroom renovation. 

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? Wednesday I'm taking "personal business" unbeknownst to Michael   ... and I plan on driving an hour away just to take my clothes off for someone to take pictures of me.

    Michael & Ashley . 9.19.2008 .

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 1. I think I should start AF sometime this week, 13 months PP.  Doing just peachy.

    2. Colts game on Saturday (even though we lost it was still a fun and intense game) and pictures with Jac on Sunday.  Ask Jac if she ever wants to take indoor pictures of a teething 13 month old again :)

    3. Next day off is Presidents Day.  We are going to Disney the 2nd week of May with my family, it was the last vacation my Dad planned, so it will be bittersweet.

  • 15 months pp tomorrow!

    I feel like we did a lot but not a lot at the same time. I finally took down the outside lights so I was happy about that, I cleaned and now am looking forward to putting together our new dresser that Jacquie picked up for us at Ikea! :)

    We're going to the Smoky Mountains in March for Tony's last spring break ever. We're really excited about it! 

  • 1 32w1d. Feeling good. Sore, but good

    2. Going to the Titanic exhibit

    3. I don't have any time off before my maternity leave. I so wish I did because I haven't had a day off (besides holidays) since the beginning of October.

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Where and how?

    5 mos pp and NOT KTFU, thankyouverymuch.  

    Weekend highlight?

    Rearranging the family room.  I know, I'm lame.  

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it?

    Since every day is a day "off" of work, I don't get the pleasure of vacation days.  I'm considering taking some time "off" of being a SAHM, though, and taking a trip home, but that's actually for  real work, so I'm a bit backwards here!

  • imagealoveindy:

     Ask Jac if she ever wants to take indoor pictures of a teething 13 month old again :)

    Well then she must have had a total ball taking pics this weekend because Maya was pretty difficult too!

  • Where/How 35w3d pregnant.  I have a very slight cold that I probably wouldn't even notice if I wasn't pregnant but add that on top of the other uncomfortableness that I'm starting to feel and it magnifies it into enough to whine about =)

    Weekend Highlight We got away for a night over to Shawn's aunts house in Columbus, IN.  It seems silly to take a "vacation" 45 minutes away but it was so nice to take it easy and let someone else cook!

    Vacation Day Maternity leave!

  • 1. AF just left, I think. I started new BCP and it was more like spotting. I wonder if I will have it again next week.

    2. Just enjoying the time with the kids. Jalen and Landon turned 20 months yesterday.

    3. Day off is tomorrow.Suppose to go to TCM with some friends from MOPS, however unsure if we are getting all this snow they say we are getting.

    Vacation- End of May or early June- Rock City

  • where/how: cd 4 and this weather is causing a whole lot of havoc with my head!

    weekend highlight: we finally had christmas with my immediate family and the best part was when the girls opened the sweaters i made for them. miss georgia l.o.v.e.d. it! and told me so all night long. so cute!

    next day off: jan 26. i go to court with my first CASA family for a termination hearing.

  • imageMrs.Ashley:

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? Wednesday I'm taking "personal business" unbeknownst to Michael   ... and I plan on driving an hour away just to take my clothes off for someone to take pictures of me.


    Pregnancy Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. Chaos......tired! didnt realized until friday night we were out of reflux meds = unhappy baby!

    2. both kids napped for 4 hrs at the same time Saturday = pure bliss

    3. MLK- childrens museum maybe

  • 1. 8m2wpp, feel good!

    2. DH and I napped during Annie's afternoon naps on Sat and Sun.  It was wonderful!  We also had an impromptu gathering of friends at our house Sat night and I made Annie's Eats PB Cheesecake Swirl Brownies.  We had a lot of fun!

    3. Well, I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow and I would spend the day in pjs and make pancakes.  I have next Monday off and I'll be playing catch up since we are having friends in from out of town on Sat/Sun. 

  • 1. cd 10 and feel good.  Did not have the best night's sleep for some reason but coffee is helping out!

    2. This weekend was just "eh"...Colts lost, IU sucked it up and we didn't do much.  It wasn't horrible just nothing exciting to report.

    3. MLK day.  I'm going to spend it at home, hopefully with E being potty trained.  We're going to try the 3 day training method this weekend so we'll see!

  • 1.  5.5 months pp  Fighting a cold.

    2.  Sold my eclipse!  Also we had a nice dinner at ambrosia centro before the game that was yummy and only $6 after our groupon!

    3.  MLK  I wouldn't ind using our pass to the children's museum but w it being a free day I'm sure it will be crazy busy.  Prob work on my shutterfly books w wedding pics.

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  • Where/How?

    CD?  Thought I was going to get AF last week, but Mirena has made her appear less often.  It's awesome!  And - Ashlyn STTN last night!!!!!!  I got 7 and a half hours of glorius uninterrupted sleep!!!! Haley turns 3 in 2 and a half weeks (how is that possible????) and Ashlyn is almost 8 months.

    Weekend Highlight 

    We went shopping for Haley and got her some new shoes and clothes (size 11 shoe - poor girl has big feet like her momma).  Ashlyn's two bottom teeth came through and she STTN last night!!!!!  It was awesome!  I'm so proud of her.  I am just hoping that it continues.

    Next Vacation Day/Day Off Plans

    Not sure.  Thinking about taking the day off for our wedding anniversary and doing some fun stuff with DH.  Lunch, movie, shopping.

  • Where and how? Nearly 6 months PP Indifferent Feeling pretty good! Grady slept well last night, thank goodness.

    Weekend highlight? Got to visit with a few of the lovely ladies from the board and their sweet babies :) Relaxed a bit with my boys. I was busier than usual but not in a bad way.

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? My next day off is this-coming Monday because Abe's off of work! Yay! Unfortunately, Grady's six-month check up is that day so we'll be tag-teaming a grouchy baby but at least I'll have some help :) I hope it's not as bad as his four-month appointment. Eeps.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageshauna060708:

    Ask Jac if she ever wants to take indoor pictures of a teething 13 month old again :)

    Well then she must have had a total ball taking pics this weekend because Maya was pretty difficult too!

    Aw! No biggie :) Babies will be babies and I still had fun!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Where and how?

    CD 25. Tired from a long weekend, other than that, good.

    Weekend highlight?

    DH's surprise bday party Saturday night. Great time with family and friends.

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it?

    Memorial Day weekend. Going camping with my whole family at the Indiana Dunes State Park. Never been there, hoping it's nice.

    After that, DH and I are planning on going away for 4 days for our 5yr anniversary this year in June just the two of us. We are thinking going to Nashville, TN. Taking him some nightlife.

    ~Micah and Danae 6-17-06~
    ~GRACIE JEAN 7-5-08~

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageNDwife07:

    Where and how? CD 24. Anxious

    Weekend highlight? Hmmm...lame, but buying new clothes last night with a gc from xmas was fun...esp since I went down a size (woot)!

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? Next monday (17th)...probably use it to catch up on stuff around the house. Not super exciting.

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  • 1. 33+ weeks pregnant. feeling fine except getting really crappy sleep.

    2. major nesting. finished jocelyn's big girl room, moved her in, and prepped the nursery for the baby.

    3.  does maternity leave count? i get zero vacation days for this year since i have to use them all toward FMLA in order to take 6 weeks off. bummer - Lord knows i need a vacation. 


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Where and how? Week 2 of pillsWeekend highlight? Going to lunch with a friend Saturday and repainting our kitchen even though I'm still not crazy about the color :( When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? SAHM so day off? Never! We are planning on going to the OBX in May and renting the same beach house we got married at. And then at the end of June I am going to a bachelorette party in Charleston SC and might extend the long weekend to a weeks vacation at Myrtle Beach and visit family that live there.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • AF came this!  Feeling very tired after staying up all night for Mady's EEG test.  Time for an afternoon nap.

    Mady's birthday party with family and friends was this weekend which was really fun.  Some family came up from Indy so we spent a lot of time with them.

    Next Monday we both have off and it's DH's birthday.  We'll do whatever he wants to do.  Maybe my SIL will have her baby and we'll be making a trip to meet baby Eloise.


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  • a little over 2 years pp and 5 weeks pp.  I feel a lot better lately.  I started working out a few days ago, just doing the elliptical, but I haven't felt any pain afterwards so I'm in the clear.  Still bleeding but it's just spotting basically.

    Weekend highlight was definitely not the colts game.  DH worked a half shift on Saturday so he could come home and watch the game with me though, that was nice!

    Well this is my last week of maternity leave, stupid getting only 6 weeks:(  I go back next Monday.  I am taking off a few days the first week of February to go to Chicago and help my dad out b/c he's getting his hip replaced next week.

  • 1. I think im close to af. Like a week away.2. Highlight- got lots of knitting done. That made me happy. 3. Vacation- not sure. Prob a day in march so tommy and i can get away by ourselves.
  • 1. 2nd week of pills.  I'm getting over some crazy 24 hour bug.  Not a stomach bug, thankfully, just really sore and tired and a slight fever.  I stayed home today.  Not sure what the heck that was about.

    2. Colt's Game!!  After the drama of us finding a sitter panned out, we had a really good time.  And the seats were amazing!

     3.  Hmm, I don't know.  It'll have to be one that I take myself since we don't really have built in days off like I did at the bank.  Probably work on house stuff.  SO exciting.  Maybe I'll take off my birthday (and Maddy's) and go to the Children's museum. 

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  • 1.  10 weeks pregnant and 14.5 pp

    2.  Nothing really.  Bummed all weekend.

    3.  Monday, for MLK day.  I really need to clean our bedroom.  

  • 1.  CD 18.  Pretty sure I O'd over the weekend, so hopefully I'm back to my normal schedule now.  Feeling great after going to bed early and getting 12 hours of solid sleep. 

    2.  Just hanging out.  We didn't do a whole lot of anything, which was nice.  DH is stir crazy, so he's happy to be back at work, and I'm happy that we're back to a normal schedule.

    3.  I'm headed to FL in March to report to a supporting church and my grandparents live there, so we'll spend time with them and I'll take some time off to relax while we're there.  At the end of the summer, we're road tripping out west for a few weeks and that will be awesome.  

  • Where and how? 6w1d. What the what? How did I get to 6w already? Headache today. Waves of nausea here and there. But nothing awful yet.

    Weekend highlight? Hanging out Friday with my brother and sister.

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? Tomorrow! I worked 5 12s in the last 6 days, and I am flipping exhausted. Plans for tomorrow? Hanging out with DD, maybe some grocery shopping, maybe some Candyland or playdough. Don't be too envious. ;)

  • Where and how? CD14, AF is still here. I am totally puzzled by this and called my doctor incase it has something to do with my thyroid. Of course they haven't called back.Weekend highlight? I finally caught my husband's cold. Ugh.When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it? I am a Realtor, so I work my own hours. This week I am taking it easy since I am sick, but I have meetings Wednesday & Thursday. 
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  • Where and how?
    8w5d - feeling nauseous.  All.the.time.

    Weekend highlight?
    We had an awesome meal at Lennie's on Saturday night after church.  Service was great, food was excellent and Olivia was good (for the most part). 

    When is your next vacation or day off, and what do you plan to do with it?
    My next day off is MLK.  If I stop feeling like I'm going to hurl every 2 seconds, I may go visit my parents in FL.  Otherwise, we'll probably just stay in and play around the house.

    As far as vacations, I think we're going to take all of our travel $$ for 2011 and put it towards a huge trip after Jake's graduation in 2012. 

    ILs are going to Mackinaw Island in June, but I'm on the fence about it.  Driving 9 hours + being on an island with my ILs for a week does not sound like a great time at 7mo pg.  Plus then I would be a short pay for a week during my maternity leave. 

    We may go back to Puerto Rico for a super cheap, short trip during Jake's Spring Break.  

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