Natural Birth


Here's the page on the rebozo:

Mine are both breech still, as of today.  Ugh.  I'm really not feeling big movements from them anymore and am afraid they're running out of room.

I'm thinking my plan these days will be this:

Both vertex: No epidural

A vertex, B breech: epi but just enough drugs for them to place it and then no more drugs.

Both breech: c-section.  I won't do a vaginal breech with my history (2.5 hours of pushing with DS + 97+%tile head.)

Re: ~missfire~

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    Thank you for the links! I scheduled my first accupuncture appointment for the beginning of next week, and will try pretty much anything else possible to help Baby A turn. He's still moving around so much that I really just don't think he's settled yet.

    With my OB and MFM, if Baby A is in any position but head-down, it's an automatic C-section for me. My OB doesn't even have training to deliver Baby B breech or by breech extraction, so I have to hope another doctor or MFM is on call when I'm in labor. I'm close to just asking to switch to another OB in her practice, even though she was the only one who would take me when I had to switch at 22 weeks.

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