D.C. Area Babies

Good appointment today- but still on modified bedrest

I don't have pre-eclampsia (yet), although they are still going to be watching me for any changes and it sounds like they expect that it will become pre-e at some point. But if that's later rather than sooner, that's good news.

The doctor said modified bedrest seems to be working, so that's continuing for now, although I did get oked to go to my parents house for Christmas (half hour away) and to the office for a half-day next week to get things organized in case I don't go back after the holidays.

Baby looks good and healthy, and in this week's 3D picture looks more like me than his dad. And my amniotic fluid levels were normal, which is better than last week when they were high.


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Re: Good appointment today- but still on modified bedrest

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