

Has anyone on here had their child diagnosed with failure to thrive?  what kind of tests did they do?  Did they have you do anything to help them gain weight? 


I was BF my daughter and at 3.5-4 weeks she turned colicky.   took her in and had blood in her stool and mucus.  I went to pumping and she was on nutramigen.  It was like a new baby.  The dr suggest either a HIGHLY sensitive diet or switch to formula.  I switched to formula.  The first week she gained 15 oz and we thought all was good.. 

 After 3.5 weeks, she is back to colicky and I brought her in.  she has only gained 2 oz in those weeks.  I am being referring to the pedi GI for FTT, allergic colitis, milk/soy protein allergy.

 What kind of tests can I expect?  A switch in formula to neocate?  

What are your experiences with FTT?

Re: FTT ?

  • FTT isn't a diagnosis -- it is a condition or symptom.  The GI will probably order bloodwork, may take a quick look at her, and will most likely want to scope her. 

    J was FTT before her celiac diagnosis. 

  • Congrats!  I didn't even know you were having another baby.
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  • imager9stedt:
    Congrats!  I didn't even know you were having another baby.


    Thanks!!  I had a rough 9 months, bed rest, pre-term contractions etc...  now followed by a rough 7.5 weeks.  We go to the GI dr next Thur.  So far the pedi said she has a milk protein allergy.  My son has that as well, but it has developed as he has gotten older, not when he was an infant..


    Dandilion-  sorry, I know nothing about FTT, and am at my wits end.  My daughter cries 7-8 hours a day, ALL day long.  nothing calms her.  I can give her a bottle basically by forcing it on her.  Then more crying.   She is so gassy even on the nutramigen/alimentum.  She has stools 4-6 times a day filling up her diaper.  I am wripping my hair out with all the crying. 

     I feel the worst for my son who does not understand..  he just says she cries a lot mommy...  :(  

    any advice on how to deal would be appreciated.  

  • I don't know a thing about FTT, but couldn't you just try her on a soy formula. Does it have to be nutramigen/alimentum? Have you eliminated dairy completely from your diet?

    And btw, congratulations!

  • It sucks, I know that feeling well.  I wish your doctor had encouraged you to try bfing through it, it is much easier on their little tummies.  I bet they'll give you some acid meds and that will help her a ton. 

    Get a good sling or wrap.  That's what kept me sane!  Hope she's feeling better soon. 

  • I have a lot of experience with FTT, but not in a baby so young.  My DD always gained exactly the bare min. to avoid the dreaded "FTT" label, until she started to crawl.  DS was closer to a year when he FTT. 

    GI is great, most of the test we have done are blood test.  Just keep trying what ever you can.  I was on a chicken and rice diet for a while, and I can tell you that while it made no difference, except to me!  I lost 10 pounds. There are just a lot of causes of FTT and the GI/Endocrin can rule out most of them. 

    It is hard, I second the baby wearing.  

  • My second DS got this diagnosis when his weight fell off the growth curve. We've done lots of blood work, seen the GI specialist, seen a pediatric allergist. He's off milk products. He's been on appetite stimulants. At 2 y.o.he's in the 5% for weight now and still eats like a bird. We're holding here and hopefully won't have to do endoscopy.

    Nutramigen still has some milk proteins. My son couldn't tolerate it. He also didn't do well with the soy formulas. There's a percentage of kids who are allergic to milk that are also allergic to soy. He was put on Neocate, a soy and milk free amino acid based formula, once we were done breastfeeding at 1 year. He did not like the taste of the stuff. Thankfully eventually we were able to move him onto Neocate Splash and he tolerates that.

    Good luck! Trying to figure out FFT can be a tough road sometimes.  

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