Babies: 9 - 12 Months

best convertible double stroller?

We'd like to get an extra stroller for my parents' house, but since we'll be TTC again soon I think it makes more sense to get a single stroller that can also convert to a double.  But I have no idea what to look for in a double.  We'd like:

- rugged stroller (doesn't have to be a true jogger, but definitely durable for "off-roading" as my parents live in the country with rough sidewalks/no sidewalks)

- preferably inline, not side by side, but would consider both

- do not want one kid sitting way low, looking at the other kid's butt as I've seen in some doubles



DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*

Re: best convertible double stroller?

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    I have a Phil & Teds Vibe that we love. I'll be honest, there is no difference between a kiddo sitting in the low seat and a kid sitting in a regular inline staring at the back of the seat in front of them. My 4yr old son loves the doubles seat as does my 1yr old. I love that the seat easily (three seconds) comes off if I want to use it as a single. It just as easily goes back on.

    I have a few friends in different areas of the country and Canada who love their P&T. Don't rule it out entirely.

    If I had two kids close in age, I would likely do a PITA Bumbleride Indie Twin side by side. 

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    Nevermind. I would get this in a heartbeat had it been available when I bought my P&T. My only concern would be the height limit for the seats. Otherwise this would be my first choice.

    Does it fold closed with the doubles seat attached? That was a big deal for me. The P&T Vibe does. We travel a lot so it was a necessity for me.


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    Nevermind. I would get this in a heartbeat had it been available when I bought my P&T. My only concern would be the height limit for the seats. Otherwise this would be my first choice.

    Does it fold closed with the doubles seat attached? That was a big deal for me. The P&T Vibe does. We travel a lot so it was a necessity for me.


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