Nurseries and Baby Gear

Length of Crib Skirt?

What is the average length of a crib skirt?  We picked up a pattern this weekend along with some fabric to make some bedding, but I realized that the crib skirt will either be super short while the crib is at the highest or super long while the crib is at it shortest.  Meaning, when we lower the mattress the skirt will lower as well. 

 So, if you were making a crib skirt, what would you use as the length?  Curious to see what other DIY'ers have done.  Thanks!



Re: Length of Crib Skirt?

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    I just was wondering this this weekend... I found a pattern online ( and was trying to figure out how much fabric to buy.  I went back to the store where we got our crib and measured - I think a 15" hang should be good - it should be long enough while the mattress is at the highest position, but then should also just graze the ground when we lower the mattress.  By the time we go for the toddler bed option, it will be too long, but we may not want/need it then anyways.

     The other option is to make it very simple (i.e. no trim, etc) so you can just shorten it as you lower the mattress.

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    This really annoyed me when I bought my crib skirt - I wish they made skirts that were different lengths! But it seems that about a 14 inch drop is common ( I think that's what ours was)

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    I'm following these instructions for a no sew crib skirt except I will actually be sewing the hem instead of using the heat bond tape. But each panel will be seperate and attached by velcro to the metal frame so that as the mattress gets lower I can just add more velcro to the back and the skirt will always be a good length.

    She addresses the length issue at the end.

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    I found a video tutorial for a no-sew crib skirt here:

    One of the things I liked about it was that they suggested that you attach it to the crib using velcro, and that you attach velcro at different heights on the back of the fabric so that the length of the crib skirt is adjustable.  I thought it was a good idea.  The crib skirt was pretty easy to make and looks good!

      ETA:  whoops, didn't realize someone else was posting the same thing when I wrote  my response!

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    I too made my own crib skirt by following the YHL tutorial and love the outcome. I don't own a sewing machine so the heat n bond was perfect, but if I could sew I would have probably done that instead. The Velcro attachment would solve the height issue. I also read another blog that mentioned making a crib skirt with the front and one side piece in a long length and the back and other side piece in a shorter length so the skirt does double duty. Of course this would only work if the crib was in the corner of the room.
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    I'm following these instructions for a no sew crib skirt except I will actually be sewing the hem instead of using the heat bond tape. But each panel will be seperate and attached by velcro to the metal frame so that as the mattress gets lower I can just add more velcro to the back and the skirt will always be a good length.

    She addresses the length issue at the end.


    I'm doing this - except mine isn't 'no sew.'  I've made the four panels, and hemmed the bottom, now I'm just waiting until we get our crib and I'll do the measurements and add the velcro for the different stages.

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    Awesome -- thanks for the tips!
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