Upstate NY Babies

How old was LO?

How old was LO when they stopped eating in their highchair? And after the highchair, did you put them in a booster or something (any recs?)?? 

DD has not been enjoying her highchair at times. I'm wondering if its just that shes not really hungry at times, or she doesnt like the chair. Just wondering if its time for something else for her.

Re: How old was LO?

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    Justin started hating his highchair just around 11 months. We switched him to this booster a few days after his 1st bday and still use it. It folds in half so we sometimes bring it to restaurants and family parties.

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    I think we switched to a booster at around 22 months, but we should have done it earlier.  We had her in her high chair pushed up to the table way earlier, around 15 months.  The high chair took up so much room, the booster is way easier and so portable.
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    We have a booster that DS started using around maybe 20ish months?  He still tolerates the highchair, and we've kept it out in case we have company over and need to use the seat that the booster normally occupies, and one of his sitter's has a 13 mo DD so she likes being able to use the highchair when she comes over.  DS seems to go back and forth between both chairs now, I guess maybe depending on his mood!
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    Wow, I never even thought about switching her over yet.  My jaw hit the ground when reading MrsWhite's reply.  Seriously, there are so many things that I don't even consider, and then when I hear about a lo dd's age or younger doing it, I give it a try and she does decent to great.  I so under-estimate her.  Where did our babies go???
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    We use a high chair still at home.. She is fine in it and I like it..  I assume we will use it until baby #2 is ready to start using it.. so Eve will be close to 3.
    I have a portable booster I keep in my car and she is fine in that too.. but she does need to be strapped into something.. (mostly just because she won't sit and eat otherwise). We tried to use a regular booster in a restaurant and it was NOT going to happen.
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    In September I moved his space saver seat up to the table and ditched the tray (First Years, not FP).....I wanted him at the table with us.

    At 16 mos, or a few weeks ago I moved him into a regular booster. It is a "vintage" FP booster that is red and blue. The back rest pops off and can go on either side to adjust height. He sits in it just fine without a seat belt (seat is attached to the chair), he is right up to the table. He is using a plate and fork, such a BIG boy!

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    We stopped using the tray when he was about 15 months, and just pull his chair right up to the table.

    We have the same booster/travel chair that MrsW linked, and I've been thinking about packing away the highchair, and switching to the booster. We have a small dining room, and his chair takes up soooo much room.

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    I think he was about 18 months. One morning I told him to go over to his chair for breakfast, and he walked right over the table to climb into a regular chair. We had him in a booster chair until some time this summer - it got too tight for him to be in it, and he does just fine without it.

    We got the Fisher Price Rainforest booster. I got it mainly for the adjustable height. They make a plain version of it too that I found after I bought that one.

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