Nurseries and Baby Gear

diaper genie ?

If you have used this or a similar product in the past, was it a "must have", "nice to have", or something you could have lived without ?

I am trying to decide of the things left on the registry what we need to buy before DD arrives... I have heard this was a life saver to some, but others have said if you use a metal waste bin (we have an extra) and empty it regularly, it is not needed.  Any insight would be great. Thanks !


Re: diaper genie ?

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    I love our Diaper Genie.  It's all we've ever used, so I can't say about anything else.  We empty it once a week (on trash day), there is NO smell, and the foot stepper to lift the lid is superconvenient.   The refills aren't expensive (especially if you get the 3-pack on sale).
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    I recommend the Diaper Champ. You can use regular trash bags with it so you don't have to worry about keeping a stock of refills.
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    I was with you on this one when I was registering...but I am happy we have it.  We love it.  Eventually if the diapers get stinky and I start smelling it, we will throw the bad ones directly in the dumpster, but it is definitely great to have right there next to us when we are changing him.  I love the bag system too...although you have to buy the refills, it is not a big deal to us.
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