Nurseries and Baby Gear

Storage bins

I've looked at PBK and Target, and am not finding great selection for fabric storage bins.  I'd like to get colorful ones (dependent on sex), to put on our changing table/cart.

Any suggestions of places to look? 

Re: Storage bins

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    I bought a bunch of colorful storage bins from Land of Nod.
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    I bought a bunch of colorful storage bins from Land of Nod.

    Wonderful!  Thank you! 

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    Do you have a Garden Ridge near you?  Our has a huge selection and the prices are way better than anywhere else I've seen.






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    I bought ours at Ikea- they were $2.50 or $5.00 each for the fabric kind.  They had several colors.
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    I bought some fabric storage bins from  They have lots of bright colors (I am doing primary colors, so I got red, blue, and yellow).  They were on sale/clearance for 7.99 each, and I was able to find a 20% off coupon pretty easily online, so I think that you should be able to find one pretty much any time.  Good luck!
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