Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Difficulties Being Diagnosed

I am anxiously waiting test results from my third hcg level check, since last week on Wednesday they were 2600 then on Friday only 2800.  The doctor said that since they technically didn't go down she can't say I am for sure miscarrying so I had to wait through the weekend until this morning when I got rechecked and now I am waiting for them to call with the results.  Just wondering if anyone else here experienced some difficulties in being diagnosed with a miscarriage?  The doctor did say that because of my bleeding--red, with some small clots and since the u/s didn't  yet show a fetal pole she was pretty confident that I am miscarrying but couldn't confirm on Friday.  I just feel like this process keeps getting dragged out and it is so frustrating!

When I miscarried 3 years ago, I had no symptoms.  I simply showed up for an u/s and they said they could no longer see a heartbeat, then we scheduled a d & c for two days later when the hcg levels had gone down proving the doctor was correct in saying I had miscarried. So, it was pretty cut and dry and although extremely painful, this is pure agony from all the waiting and "what ifs". Praying I get a call VERY soon to  just be done with it already!

BFP #1 4/07, 6/07 MMC 9w6d D&C | DX PCOS/annovulatory | BFP #2 (50 mg Clomid) 11/8/10, Natural MC 11/25/10 | Cycle #1 (50 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #2 (100 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #3 (100 mg Clomid & HCG trigger) BFN | Cycle #4 (100 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI)= BFN | Cycle #5 (150 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI) = BFP --> Beta #1 12DPO: 48, Beta #2 14dpo: 171, Progesterone: 105, Beta #3 19dpo: 2,418 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Difficulties Being Diagnosed

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    Yep, this is me actually. I have a post a few down about how the waiting sucks. I'm into week 3 of waiting. And provided I don't full on miscarry this week, I will have to wait until my next ultrasound in a week before I get some closure.

    I'm sorry. I know it's hard. (((HUGS)))

    Missed M/C 11/5/2010 @ 5 weeks, 3 days* D&C 12/3/2010 at 9 weeks, 3 days
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    My experience was a little more up and down but ultimately did not end well.  My first beta draws (they took 3) did not double in 48 hours but did in 72.  My RE was not happy with that, even though I convinced myself it was ok thanks to Dr. Google. 

    At the 5 1/2 week u/s the RE said the sac was too small and there was blood in my uterus, so I would m/c.  The the following week (after no bleeding or other signs of m/c) and the one after we had a heartbeat (weeks 7 and 8), so it seemed like things were turning around.  Then at 9 weeks there was no more heartbeat and the embryo measured 8w2d.  All along my betas were going up pretty substantially, but less than doubling in 48 hours. 

    I hope you get some answers soon, the waiting is absolute torture.  Ultimately I felt like I miscarried this baby twice.

    DS 04.25.08 DS 03.14.12 missed m/c 9w1d :: 6.18.10 :: d&c | missed m/c 9w3d :: 11.2.10 :: d&c
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    Well, I just got the call from my doctor.  My hcg level finally went down over the weekend, from 2800 to 1700.  I wish more than anything that there was a different outcome, but I am just trying to have faith that there is a reason beyond my understanding.
    BFP #1 4/07, 6/07 MMC 9w6d D&C | DX PCOS/annovulatory | BFP #2 (50 mg Clomid) 11/8/10, Natural MC 11/25/10 | Cycle #1 (50 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #2 (100 mg Clomid) BFN | Cycle #3 (100 mg Clomid & HCG trigger) BFN | Cycle #4 (100 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI)= BFN | Cycle #5 (150 mg Clomid, HCG trigger, & IUI) = BFP --> Beta #1 12DPO: 48, Beta #2 14dpo: 171, Progesterone: 105, Beta #3 19dpo: 2,418 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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    Well, I just got the call from my doctor.  My hcg level finally went down over the weekend, from 2800 to 1700.  I wish more than anything that there was a different outcome, but I am just trying to have faith that there is a reason beyond my understanding.

    I'm so sorry.  Even when you are expecting it, a loss is incredibly painful.  I hope your betas go down quickly.

    DS 04.25.08 DS 03.14.12 missed m/c 9w1d :: 6.18.10 :: d&c | missed m/c 9w3d :: 11.2.10 :: d&c
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    I am so sorry for your loss. I was also on that rollercoaster. Long story short: bleeding-ER-results inconclusive; hCG's rising and looking good; 1.5 weeks later u/s showed baby with HB and fetal pole we even got the picture); very next day more bleeding- ultimately m/c and pasing the baby last friday. I knew I was m/c-ing, but when they called with the betas going down - it was a punch in the stomach. I know exactly how you feel. My body is on its way to recoverying and I hope my heart will get there soon. I hope you physically get through this quickly and were all here to talk & listen - T & P are with you!
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    I am so sorry this has been dragged out for you  :(  and I'm so sorry for the loss of your LO.  ((hugs))
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    11.10.10 from my belly to my heart at 11wks 5days

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