Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

am i odd?

i have not posted in a REALLY long time, but i just had to ask this. Since my daughters first birthday is just around the corner (party in two weeks!), i am thinking a lot about her and her twin we lost. i asked my husband today if he still thought about the loss, and the other baby, and he basically said no, that it hurts too much and he very rarely thinks about it. he asked me if i still think about it, and i said i do, every day. is that odd, a year later, to still think of a baby you never "met" so often? every time i see twins, or anything really boyish (baby boy clothes, etc), i get a bit sad. :( so bittersweet.
*The Blog* Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Natural M/C : Arabella's Twin Guardian Angel, 7.29.2009.**Natural M/C : 2.20.2010. 18 weeks. Always Loved. 4 weeks.

Re: am i odd?

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    I don't think you're odd.  It's only been a month for me but I still think everytime I see a KU lady that that could have been me. Or I wonder how I would feel now at 2 months along?  I don't know when or if I will ever stop thinking about my loss but I just think to myself that the powers that be know more then me and must have great things in mind so.....who knows.  I am sorry if this doesn't help and I am so sorry for you loss and I would like to say you little girl is the cutest little one I have seen!!
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    Your not odd...you had a bond with your baby. That loss is never going to go away, you just get strong enough to handle it. I recently m/c so I think about my little one all day.
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    I don't think it's odd at all. That was your baby regardless of whether or not you got a chance to raise him. He is and will always be one of your babies and he will always be a part of your family and certainly a part of your heart. Ithink it would be sad for me, if my family ever stopped thinking of Emily as part of our family. She is our guardian angel right along side my dad in heaven. :)
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    I don't think it's odd at all. That was your baby regardless of whether or not you got a chance to raise him. He is and will always be one of your babies and he will always be a part of your family and certainly a part of your heart. Ithink it would be sad for me, if my family ever stopped thinking of Emily as part of our family. She is our guardian angel right along side my dad in heaven. :)


    i felt the same way. when DH told me that, i got pretty sad. I thought maybe he was feeling the same way as me. but i guess everyone has their own way of dealing. thanks ladies.  

    *The Blog* Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Natural M/C : Arabella's Twin Guardian Angel, 7.29.2009.**Natural M/C : 2.20.2010. 18 weeks. Always Loved. 4 weeks.
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