Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

My girls night dinner experience

GNO tonight, yay!  There were a bunch of us, 2 of which are pregnant, all of which are moms so we were naturally talking about babies and pregnancy.  I was totally fine with talking to my 2 friends and listening to everyone ask and hear about their pregnancies. 

But then one of the girls started talking about her sister being pregnant and her due date is 3 days after mine should have been.  And her SIL is pregnant and due a week before I was.  And then another friend pipes in that her baby was born right in that time too.  I lost it. 

I quickly interupted and blurted out "can we please stop talking about pregnancy?"  But it was too late.  I lost it.  The tears were flowing.  I tried to get to the bathroom first but I had to walk through the dining room bawling. 

And then I let myself  have about 5 minutes to cry and it felt good to cry again.  And then I pulled myself together and went back and enjoyed the rest of our dinner and 2 glasses of really good wine.   (after quickly explaining that I DO want to talk about my friends pregnancies, but those due dates were just too close to mine, and I don't want them to walk on eggshelves or watch what they say around me). 

Re: My girls night dinner experience

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    I understand how you feel. During my second month I found out my friend was pregnant again. I say again because her first baby is only 4 months old now. I lost my baby at 8 weeks and she's going to be due the month after I was supposed to be. You don't wish this on anyone, but it sucks to hear about people having babies. I even had to hide another friends postings on facebook because she calls her baby the same nickname I had for mine. I just hope this gets easier with time. Cause it seems like anything can get me crying. I'm sorry for your loss!
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    When I was pregnant with DD, none of my friends were pregnant.    Now, I have at least 6 pregnant friends.   had to block one of FB because she kept bitching about how much it sucks to be pregnant.

    I'm supposed to see a friend's newborn today.   I'm hoping I can do it without flipping the eff out.   My friend didn't know I was pregnant, and I haven't told her about my loss; I didn't think it was proper to talk to her about it while she was pregnant.

    It is hard.   I'm sorry.   I hope your friends are supportive.  We're here for you, too.

    "Cool as Hell like e-mail, but still timeless like a letter."
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