3rd Trimester

well i cant go shopping on the 26th ...

my dr decided to induce me that day on account they feel my baby is huge! im freaking out!! I cant believe that in less than 1 week DS#2 will be here...

Re: well i cant go shopping on the 26th ...

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    Was your other son big? What is your doctor considering huge? My LO was measuring 8 pounds 6 ounces at 37 weeks.
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    I can't go shopping either!!!! I'm having my c/s that day!! :)
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    Congrats! I'd much rather see LO than shop! Although there are some pretty good deals this year...
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    I am not a big shopper so I would rather meet LO than go shopping. Congrats on DS#2, hope he is not as big as they are thinking!

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    Congrats on getting a birthdate for baby...My hubs wont let me go shopping at all. I am hoping the my baby comes before then...hehehe
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    That sucks, but you'll have the best ever!-->your LO in your arms!

    I want to go shopping SO bad, especially since it's the first time I don't have to work it. But with it being so close to my due date I probably wont make it Sad DH wants to go to a couple places, so maybe I can trail along!

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