Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Would you wake him?

Jackson is due for Tylenol or Motrin right about now.  He is sleeping soundly, but had a 102.9 fever when he got up from his nap at 4:30 and was still looking kinda sick after that.

He has gotten up screaming and crying every night since Sunday in the middle of the night, so I am hesitant to wake him, but on the flip side, if it will help him sleep longer and feel better.... WWYD?

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Re: Would you wake him?

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    yeah, go wake your sick child. 

    Can you take a shiit without consulting this board?

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    Ben will take tylenol in his sleep, what will he do if pick him up give him some and put him back down?
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    Can you get him drowsy/awake enough to shoot it in his cheek, like without waking him to the "let's play" point.  This works for me.  Good luck.
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    Ben will take tylenol in his sleep, what will he do if pick him up give him some and put him back down?

    It's a gamble...

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    Do you think you can get the tylenol in him while he's sleeping.  A dropper full a little at a time.  My DD sucks her thumb, so while she's sleeping if the thumb's not in, she's still suckles.  I think it would work.

    If not, I personally wouldn't wake him.  If he's sleeping he needs it.  I'd rather risk LO waking in the middle of the night than me wake them up before they're ready.  I've debated this a few times when DD would go down for a late nap (4:30 or 5) and sleep through dinner.  Almost every time she slept through to the next morning and I was so glad I didn't wake her...she obviously needed some zzz catch up.  Sounds like your little guys may too!  Don't we all sometimes?? 

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    Hey ;) I Im coming at our lurking to say I would try and check on him during the night, even if it risks him waking up...I am always nervous with high fevers! I just put my hand on their backs to check...If they feel really warm, I give them medicine, otherwise, I just let them sleep! good luck! hope baby feels better REALLY soon
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    If you wake him, I will judge you.
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    If you wake him, I will judge you.

    Haha and if I don't wake him?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    If you wake him, I will judge you.

    Haha and if I don't wake him?

    Then, I will leave you alone.

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    I'd wake him. Better to get him back to sleep now than to have a fever rear up in the middle of the night.
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