Babies: 3 - 6 Months

WTF Amazon!?!? (not safe for work)
I see a boycott coming!
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DS1 12-31-1999, DS2 5-7-2008, DS3 8-3-2010

Re: WTF Amazon!?!? (not safe for work)

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    omg! Never will I buy anything from Amazon again! How despicable...Angry
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    Oh CRAP! I'm at work and stupidly clicked on the link even after reading your warning. I closed the window as soon as the text populated, but will erase my history now.

    I agree, though. By just seeing the title of that book I'm disgusted and I hope there is major backlash on Amazon for selling it.

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    OMG this is awfull, are you kidding,  whom ever is running amazon have no morality what so ever, what is next??? I guide on how to kill .... i am soooo done with amazon!
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    Ummm, I can't believe there is something out there like that...absolutely disgusting!
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    Gross! But hey guys, this is some sickos dealings - anyone can sell stuff on Amazon. I love Amazon!

     Obviously the seller is some wacko

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    I can boycott Amazon for selling the new GWB book?  I find that just as offensive.



    Amazon is a bookstore, and a very comprehensive one at that. 

    You want to be the first one to start calling for a ban of books you don't like?

    Do I get to ban books I don't like?

    The Girl is 5. The Boy is 2. The Dog is 1.


    I am the 99%.
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    Take a chill pill, ladies.  Amazon is not responsible for this.  Anyone who knows the right file association can upload content to Kindle. 

    This thing is all over the net, plus Twitter, and I'm guessing probably facebook too.  It's made the NYTimes. 

    Yes it's sick as fvck, but that's free speech for you.  Unless Amazon can prove it violates their TOS, they are pretty much screwed.

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    How exactly did you find that?

    And, do you really expect Amazon to censor the millions of titles it makes available?  I have not openened the link (since I am at work), but it sounds like this is an individual seller.

    Also, enjoy boycotting Amazon. Please keep in mind that you will also need to avoid buying from Zappos,,, and other sites that are now owned by Amazon. 



    I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
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    I can boycott Amazon for selling the new GWB book?  I find that just as offensive.



    BAh hahahaha... Seriously he said Kanye West was his low point.. he really forgot about 9/11?

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    Dammit...I'm at work! I'm DYING to know wtf is going on.


    WEDNESDAY Nov 10, 2010 13:30 ET

    Book defending pedophilia for sale on Amazon

    By DANA WOLLMAN, Associated Press

    Amazon is selling a self-published book defending pedophiles, sparking discussions about the retailer's obligation to vet items before they are sold in its online stores.

    The book, "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover's Code of Conduct" by Philip R. Greaves II, offers advice to pedophiles afraid of becoming the center of retaliation. It is an electronic book available for Inc.'s Kindle e-reader.

    The book has triggered mounting outrage on Twitter and beyond. A chorus of Twitter users is calling for Amazon to pull the book, with a few threatening to boycott the Kindle store until it does.


    The Girl is 5. The Boy is 2. The Dog is 1.


    I am the 99%.
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    How exactly did you find that?

    hahaha that's kind of what I was wondering too.

    Is this book disgusting? Yes.  I think probably most will agree to that _ but banning books can get really ugly really fast

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    Ha! I vote-Leave it up. Track down the person that wrote it and haul him in for questioning. Then every single person that buys it as well! I'm all for getting pedophiles discovered and thrown in jail!
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    Ha! I vote-Leave it up. Track down the person that wrote it and haul him in for questioning. Then every single person that buys it as well! I'm all for getting pedophiles discovered and thrown in jail!

    I like the way you think!

    FWIW - Yes, it's disgusting and abhorrent.  However, as some pp's have pointed out, book banning is a slippery slope.  I don't like what the guy is putting out there, at all, BUT he has a constitutional right to do it.  It's really not even illegal unless he's written about specific acts he has committed vs. hypothetical advice which is what I suspect he wrote about.

    Now, I do have some very un-constitutional ideas about what to do with convicted pedophiles... but that's a debate for another time.

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    Ehh I agree that boycotting Amazon does nothing.  I'm not a fan of boycotting anything really...  I think it's silly and does no good.

    On a sidenote, I am seriously going to buy G.Dubya's book and read it cover to cover. I like him, and no I am not a republican. I just think he has been greatly misunderstood, lied about, and unfairly demonized.  Do I agree with everything he did? Nope.  Do I think he's evil or stupid? Nope. I think he stood by his convictions and did the very best job he could, just as I think President Obama is doing. 

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    Yes, technically, the author has a right to write it.  BUT that doesn't mean Amazon has to market it and sell it.  If I were Amazon, I would make that book unavailable for download or purchase.
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    I enjoy when people are so privileged that they can compare a book about sexual abuse of a child to a president they didn't agree with politically.

    This is a good country, lemme tell ya. 

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    I enjoy when people are so privileged that they can compare a book about sexual abuse of a child to a president they didn't agree with politically.

    This is a good country, lemme tell ya. 

    How is that privilege? 

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    I enjoy when people are so privileged that they can compare a book about sexual abuse of a child to a president they didn't agree with politically.

    This is a good country, lemme tell ya. 

    How is that privilege? 

    Exactly - I thought that was a First Amendment right - kind of like the right to publish (and sell) crap like that e-book.  Should we take it away? 

    The day Amazon starts censoring what they sell is the day they go the way of wal-mart with respect to movie sales when they started censoring.  And that is down hill, fast.


    I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
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    Ha! I vote-Leave it up. Track down the person that wrote it and haul him in for questioning. Then every single person that buys it as well! I'm all for getting pedophiles discovered and thrown in jail!

    I'm pretty sure that simply writing, purchasing, and/or reading a book is in no way, shape, or form enough for a judge to sign a warrant.  

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