July 2011 Moms

Soooo tired.

The last few days I have been getting extremely tired around 2/2:30 and then again around 8:30 pm....anyone else need a nap right now?

It's tough to manage this sleepiness at work!

Re: Soooo tired.

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    omg me too!  i've been wanting to put my head down at work for the last hour!
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    I am having a hard time staying awake today.

    I know mine is just probably in my head. When did you all start to "feel" anything?

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    my feet are literally on my desk and I'm dozing/surfing the net. I want to take a nap soooooo bad and I have to go to the stupid grocery store after work. I just want to sleep! Sad
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    I'm trying to figure out how to beat the fatigue when I'm at work. Although, on my WFH days, I work through my noon hour lunch and at 2pm I take an hour nap. It evens out my schedule as i'm just taking a later lunch. I need to figure out how to handle this at work though.
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    I don't know what I am going to do when I have to go back to work tomorrow! I am an NICU RN and I can't have food or even drinks in our unit! I don't possibly know how I am going to stay awake if I can't even have some water to keep me awake! I napped today from 9:30 to 12!! It just hit me like a ton of bricks, oh boy tomorrow will be interesting for sure!
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    I am having a hard time staying awake today.

    I know mine is just probably in my head. When did you all start to "feel" anything?

    It isn't in your head at all, that was the first thing that I felt.  I thought something was wrong with me because I needed a nap at 10a.  I was trying to take extra iron to see if it would help, then the BFP and it made sense.  

     I am still feeling tired, today was pretty bad, I took a nap and felt not ready to be awake, I could sleep now if I were alone.  

     All of you working ladies are in my thoughts, I know from my first how hard that is.  xxx

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    I am having a hard time staying awake today.

    I know mine is just probably in my head. When did you all start to "feel" anything?

    It isn't in your head at all, that was the first thing that I felt.  I thought something was wrong with me because I needed a nap at 10a.  I was trying to take extra iron to see if it would help, then the BFP and it made sense.  

    Good to know. I feel like since I found out on Sunday all I have done is look for proof that I am pregnant :)

    I even took another test today. I am just ready for my 1st apt so maybe it will seem real.

    BFP #1- 11/7/10 ~EDD 7/20/11 ~M/C (bo) 12/6/10 @ 8wks ~Missing my Little Firework

    BFP #2- 9/11/11 ~EDD 5/25/12 ~M/C (mmc10w)11/4/11 @ 11wks ~Missing my May Flower

    BFP #3- 02/21/12 ~EDD 11/1/12  Audrey Lee Born 11/4/2012

    BFP #4 ~EDD 6/20/14 stick baby stick!

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    Yes I never took naps in my life and now I want one every day. The weirdest thing is that I can actually fall into a deep sleep and dream in the middle of the afternoon! It's so weird lol.

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