Working Moms

Poll Time!

1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? I was bullied constantly in Elementary and Junior High.  I abhor bullies - at work I can always tell who was a bully when they were younger.

2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) I wasn't a nerd so to speak, but I was in a few AP classes. 

3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? I am very religious and I try very hard not to judge others.  I have gone through so many things in my life, and have seen so many things come full circle, and try to accept people the way they are. 

4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? As a young girl, I thought I would marry a guy that had never been married, a guy that never had any kids, that we would marry young, have a ton of kids, be a stay at home mother.  BWAHAHAHA!

5. Name one thing on your bucket list: Visit Israel and do the Holy Land tour.

Re: Poll Time!

  • 1. Where you the bully or were you bullied?  Neither - I was always the protector.

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) Alternative, popular, dropped out.

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you?  I am pretty open but maybe that I love romance novels?

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? Planned, yes. I hoped for a lot more money! :-)!

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list: Take my kids to Europe

  • 1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? I wasn't a bully or bullied

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) I was a total nerd.

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? Hmmm, don't know.

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? No, I thought I would have kids younger than I am now but hey at least I have one!  For a while I didn't I would be able to have any. 

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list: Visit New Zealand.  I will always regret not going there when I went to Austrailia, I was so close!

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    1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? I was bullied elementary and junior high, too. By high school I had a lot more friends and the bullies kept their distance.

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) Theater crowd. Also the "smart" crowd. I wasn't a nerd, but I was in the top classes and people definitely copied my answers on things.

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? I am insecure about a lot of things and question myself often. On the outside though I am confident and joke often that I'm always right. 

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? Pretty much exactly as I had thought it would, which kind of freaks me out sometimes because I don't think I did anything in particular to make it happen that way. I always thought college-career/marriage shortly after college-house-kids, and everything happened pretty much in that order and time frame. And now I'm second guessing myself. See above about the insecurity. =/

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list: Don't have a bucket list. I guess there's plenty I'd like to do, but nothing I feel I absolutely MUST do.

  • imageFloF9:

    1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? Unfortunately, I was a mean girl in Jr. High and for 1/2 of high school- I was just very immature and trying to establish myself I guess... 

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) Hmmm.  I was smart, but not a nerd, did Leadership and ASB stuff, but never cheerleader or homecoming queen!  I was kind of in the middle...

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? Not much- my siblings, DH, and TRUE friends know everything- I'm an open book. 

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? Pretty much on track- went to college, got married, got a "real" job, bought a house, had kids...

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list: just more international travel- nothing/nowhere specific...

  • imageFloF9:

    1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? I was only bullied by my older brother (2 years ahead of me in school). His friends used to get super pi$$ed when he would beat on me/pick on me at school

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) I was a little of everything. An Honor student cheerleader who hung out with the party crowd. 

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? I generally don't like people and think IQ tests should be required for certain things (like before you can have kids, drive, work in customer service...). Given that I am a teacher and have a pretty nurturing nature, this would surprise them. 

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not?   Mostly, though a few years later than I had hoped. Why? Because my H has zero sense of urgency.

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list:  An extended trip to Greece.

  • 1. I remember being bullied a bit in preschool and elementary school but by junior high I would walk away from those situations so I wasn't really bullied any longer. 2. I was very shy and self conscious when younger and I guess popular in high school. 3. I am lonely and want to hang out - having kids doesn't mean i don't want to have a social life. So I'm working on meeting other working moms :) 4. Yes and no. I wanted to have further degrees but had a family earlier than planned so stopped pursuing academics and started a real job. 5. Go to Europe as a family, stay a week in Italy... ETA: Apparently my phone can't do paragraphs.
    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
  • 1. Where you the bully or were you bullied? I was bullied in Elementary and Middle school. Middle school was the toughest for me. I'm glad that highschool was a change, b/c I needed that break!

    2. What category did you fit in at school? (Nerd, popular, athlete, stoner, goth - feel free to add your own category) I wasn't a nerd, heck i only had average grades too. I was just an outcast that was a target for bullying b/c I was my own person. I was a redhead, and liked horses/drawing. I was ridiculed for it.

    3. Name one thing that a lot of your friends/acquaintances don't know about you? LOL! My fiestyness in bed? Redheads are known for being fiesty, but i guess not everyone knows that. That's all I can think of.

    4. Has your life unravelled as you had planned/hoped?Why or why not? No it hasn't at all. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do in life after highschool, and i never envisioned what age i would have children or even what kind of wedding i would have an eye for at all. Everything happened by taking things as they came at me.

    5. Name one thing on your bucket list: Go on another Cruise!

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