February 2011 Moms

weight gain????????

Hi there everyone,

A little history first.....beginning of pregnancy I lost 15 pounds before we knew I was pregnant.  To date I have only gained 5 of those pounds back.  Doctors aren't worried and say the baby is the correct size.  How is this possible?  I'm not complaining.  Just wanted to check with real moms.  By the way this is my third kid.  I gained with the other two all the way through.

Thanks everyone

Re: weight gain????????

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    How far along are you and where you considered overweight for your height ratio at the start of your pregnancy (even though you lost 15 pounds)?

    I am 25 weeks and lost 5 pounds in the first couple of months, and have then gained those 5 back, plus just 5 more and my dr's are not concerned at all (the baby was 1.75 pounds and measuring 1 day ahead of schedule at ultrasound last week) .

    The nurse commented at my last visit that my weight gain has been slow but steady, and she said thats great its healthier that way. At the start of my pregnancy my BMI puts me as overweight because I am only 5'2" even though I only wore a size M/8 so looking at me I didnt look overweight. But if you check your BMI from the start of your pregancy weight to height it can tell if you are where underweight, normal, overweight, obese, extremely obese and then you can look on the chart to see how much weight you should gain through out the pregnancy for your body type/pre pregnancy weight.

    It all is so differant for everyone, my friend who is 24 weeks has gained 26 pounds and still gaining about a pound a week. She was in the "normal" weight category for her height at the start of pregnancy- so she is looking to be a bit over the top of her range at the end of pregnancy probably gaining about 40 pounds total.

    BMI Recommended Weight Gain
    30+ 11-20 lbs
    25 - 29.9 15-25 lbs
    18.6-24.9 25-35 lbs
    18.5 and lower 28-40 lbs
    Team Pink! Baby Girl due 8.2.15
    BabyFruit Ticker
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