
Inducing Lactation

FH and I have been talking about the idea of inducing lactation so that I'm able to breast feed our adopted newborn if there is ever one placed with one. Has anyone done this or considered it?

Re: Inducing Lactation

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    ::raises hand::

    We have talked about this possibility too.  I've had brief email chats with the LaLeche League (LLL) and the woman was super helpful and directed to me some links (and books) for additional information.  You can also look at; there is a whole section for adoptive BF.  I think that I (we) are leaning toward BF our little one - at least for the first few months while I'd be home all day on 'maternity' leave.  Here are a couple of the links that LLL provided me as well as the askLenore one.

    GL to you!  Glad to know that I wasn't the only one considering this!

    ETA:  we were also considering Donor Breast Milk from the Human Milk Bank here in Raleigh.  But that has a hefty price tag and would probably only work for the first month.

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    GL to you!  Glad to know that I wasn't the only one considering this!

    Good Luck to you as well and nope you're not alone. I'm so excited to get the process started and save up the breast milk in the freezer!


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    We very strongly considered it.

    I met with several LC's, my RE, my OBGYN, my therapist and the Pedi we had chosen to discuss all of my options as well as the benefits and repercussions of breastfeeding (or not).  It all came down to a hospital grade pump, Reglan (one of the very common side effects of Reglan is depression, so if you've got a history, you'll want to talk to your doctor about this at length) and other possible drugs (in my case, some of the same I used in IF treatments).  I was very concerned about putting so many drugs/herbs (some not even approved in the US) into my body, as well as the possibility that since I have never given birth/lactated, I would probably only make a small amount of milk, if any.

    Coming from a background of several miscarriages and failed IF treatments, I decided, along with the support of my medical team and DH, not to breastfeed.  I didn't want my body to fail me again.  I was also very concerned about the depression side effect of Reglan -- I have some issues with anxiety/depression anyway, and I did suffer from PAD (post-adoptive depression).  The only negative feedback I received was from the LC's (one of which told me I wouldn't bond with my baby and the other frequently referred to formula as "poison" in our discussions).  I was surprised in the hospital that one of the LC's I met with was the LC on staff when my baby was born.  Despite knowing it was an adoption, she tried to pressure our birthmother into breastfeeding -- she even told us that the benefits of the breastmilk outweighed the caffeine/nicotine/whatever else was in it.

    Definitely build yourself a great support system if you decide to try, but don't feel guilty if you don't.   It can absolutely be done successfully by adoptive parents, it just wasn't the right path for us and our baby is healthy (other than a few respiratory illnesses this year -- which are all attributed to her birthmother's pack a day habit) and has met (and exceeded most) all of her milestones in this first year.  We will be here to support you regardless of your decision!

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     I was very concerned about putting so many drugs/herbs (some not even approved in the US) into my body, as well as the possibility that since I have never given birth/lactated, I would probably only make a small amount of milk, if any.

    This, too, has been in the forefront of my consideration.  But, I'm waiting to hear from the LC to hear what she has to say.  I've been lurking on the breastfeeding board and have been able to gain some info/knowledge from the ladies there. 

    I'm just worried - well not really worried, but for lack of a better word - worried that maybe there is some sort of 'ick' factor about me BF this baby since I didn't give birth to them.  When I mentioned it to a friend, she sort of gave me the side eye...and I have no clue why.  Am I missing something?

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    Rach -- there should not be ANY ick factor if you want to breastfeed your baby!  Just ignore anyone who gives you the side eye!  You have to do what is best for you and your family.  :)
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    I guess I never even considered that an option with adoption.  I didn't know there are ways to lactate without giving birth.  I learn so much from this board!  I had planned to breastfeed if we had given birth to a baby, but I never considered that an option.  I guess I need to do some information digging also!  I would love to have that option.
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    We have definitely looked into it and would love to try if our circumstances will allow. I found the to be very helpful
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    I tried inducing lactation, although I had a hard time convincing any Dr here (my obgyn or regular physician) to prescribe me the medication I needed to take in order to help my milk production. (They basically thought I was crazy and didn't understand how someone who never had a child could produce anything) When the time came I only had a month to prepare (our adoption happened very quickly) and was unable to produce quickly enough. 

     I will say Ask Lenore was very helpful, as was the La Leche League here in Indiana, as well as the Indiana Choices group on Yahoo... private message me and I can forward information to you if you would like.  I also worked with a doula who was very supportive of my desire to breastfeed and have as natural a "birth experience" as possible. 

    It did not work for me in the long run (my body rejected the hormones in the birth control that were supposed to fool my body into thinking I was pregnant) but I had some amazing days of bonding time with DS with him latching and using the supplemental feeder.  I did produce some milk after pumping for weeks every 2 hours.  I will say DONT GIVE UP and any bonding time you can have is worth the effort.  I would try again in a heartbeat, especially if I had longer to prepare (as the methods are more effective when done for a longer period of time to gradually increase production).

    Good luck and kuddos to you for trying !!

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    I say give her the side eye back!

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    Yes I DID!!! I always dreamed of breastfeeding my children and I refused to let that dream go when we discovered we could not conceive... I went to my gynecologist and told her what I wanted to do. She was the best? she told me I could do it a few ways and gave me a website to check out. She said she never had anyone do it that hadn?t lactated previously but she told me she had faith that I could do it J she told me that the drug that really works is not available in the U.S. but that I could get it ?other ways? She gave me and Rx for Reglan in the mean time. I went to the website she gave me so helpful? I ordered my domperidone (from Canada) and went to the local herb store in my town and purchased Fenugreek Seed and Blessed Thistle. I purchased a Madela Double electric breast pump from our local hospital and signed up for breastfeeding classes. I was the only one that did not have a baby in the class LOL. But these women were so supportive and in awe of what I was doing that it really felt great? I went to this support class once a week and I think that is why I was able to make it through the process. I took the herbs for a week and then I began pumping. I pumped every 3-4 hours for 4 months. I saw my very first ?drop? about 3 days into pumping it was so amazing!!!! I did take the domperidone for about 2 months but stopped only because I wanted to do it as natural as possible (the domperidone is said to be safe for the baby and you can take it during breastfeeding) The day our son was born I didn?t pump at all because I was so nervous and running all over the place!! We finally got to hold him when he was three hours old. His birthmother was not comfortable with me breastfeeding? But when a nurse came in to check on her (who hadn?t read the chart) asked her if she was formula or breastfeeding ?K? said Well his Adoptive Mother Will Be Breastfeeding Him!!! The director of our adoption facilitator service was her birth coach and she said to me you should have seen her face? she was sticking up for you and looked proud J When he was discharged from the hospital he was 2 ? days old and had already had a ton of formula? but I was not discouraged- I had come this far and was not going to give up? We settled into my uncle?s house in San Diego a 4 hour drive!!! My Hubby propped pillows all around me and handed me our son- I looked at him very confused? he said ?go ahead momma- you can do it.? So I did it!!! He latched on immediately and went to town!! I cried my hubby cried!! We signed up for a breastfeeding group in San Diego immediately!! It was 3 days a week and we went everyday until we left California! It was so helpful we also did a one on one with the lactation consultant- so helpful and informative. I was worried I did not have enough mil for him because when I pumped I couldn?t fill up a bottle. We weighed him before and after feeding on those gram scales and he weighed more!!! She said I was doing fine but she also hooked us up with a SNS (supplemental nursing system) She told me that I could use this when my supply got low or if my supply was slow to catch up to his needs. It was amazing to be able to breastfeed my beautiful son until he was 4 months old!!  Sorry for the long post it was an amazing journey and I am so proud of myself for giving my son the amazing gift of breast milk! P.S. we also used some donated breast milk in the SNS when my supply was low.   Good Luck and God Bless   Ashlene
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