
NAR: How is everyone?

Just in general....


I'm doing well but feeling a little overwhelmed. I get involved in way too much sometimes and it drains me. I'm a big proponent for community involvement but...I've got to learn not to get involved in everything.

Thankfully, my soccer season will be over in 4 weeks...and the other big event I've got going is Nov. 5th...and after that I don't plan on adding ANYTHING. I just want to enjoy the holidays and wait for a call from the DSS that they need us to foster!

Re: NAR: How is everyone?

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    Doing good here.  Just trying to stay dry!  And actually getting things ready for our community Halloween Costume Parade and Pumpkin Carving Contest.  I can't wait to see all the little ones in their costumes!  It should be a great time.

    Other than that...just in wait mode...trying to be patient - but that is not really my strong suit when it comes to things like starting our family.

    GL to you...hope you get that call soon!

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    Hanging in. As I've shared, we've been struggling with the adjustment in our family, but we're taking it one day at a time and hanging in.  We have good days to offset the difficult ones, and slowly, we are moving forward.

    I just wish I had prepared myself more emotionally for how difficult it is.  I read all the books, but somehow figured that since we weren't adopting a child with RAD that it wouldn't be all that bad.  It is much more trying than I expected, and I can't imagine how difficult it is for families who bring children with RAD into their midst.

    Still, yesterday was a good day, and today is shaping up to be the same, and then we have several days off because M's out of school, so we're headed to Vermont.  I'm taking M to my parents in the Adirondacks tomorrow while my husband works, and we'll then have through Saturday just to enjoy Vermont together as a family of 3.  I'm hoping we'll get to go on our first real hike together, and maybe take him to the riding stables.  Yea, outdoor time!

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    I am currently a little stressed! Between school, work, a wedding shower & baby shower to throw & a wedding to be in the next few months are going to get interesting! I'm also once again reminded of how waiting for a phone call makes everything happening in your life a little more challenging. lol We have saved most of our vacation time to be out with a baby. Now that we are coming towards the end of the year, we have to take at least a week of the vacation because my employer requires us to take a week sabbatical. So we are trying to plan a vacation ( which we desperately need!) while thinking about the what if's regarding the adoption. What if we book it today and get a call tomorrow??? Obviously we will book it with the travel insurance but still it would stink to be out that insurance money because of timing! At the same time, we are taking a cruise so we have to get it booked or we won't be able to get a room!!! I guess it's a good problem to have but it's been a stressful week trying to plan everything!
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