at my OB appointment this week I was measuring 35 weeks. I keep looking down and thinking this is 35 weeks? I thought I'd be bigger. I can't help but think having one inside there after this will be so much easier.
Wondering how big, big will get before I deliver. TIA!
Re: what were you measuring when you delivered
my doc stopped measuring at some point b/c he said it's not really ever accurate anyway.... i think it was around 32w that i was measuring 40w - and that's when he said that PTL was really a risk b/c the body thinks "Ok- i'm big enough to be full term" and often goes into labor.
positions of baby can make it all change - i went down some weeks b/c the babies were in weird positions- so don't get too bent out of shape over the fundal height measurment. some women carry wider, some more sticking out in front - so it doesn't mean a whole lot.
This. I measured 40 weeks....and delivered early at 32 weeks. I went into PTL...
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks