Single Parents


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (wish I could say that out loud)

By Friday's I'm done.. D.O.N.E .. even the nice coworkers are on my last nerve. Ahhh good god.

Ok please tell me if I am wrong ...

Office Temperature ... now when your the type of person that is ALWAYS cold.. you can add layers.. yes..

When your the type of person that is always hot... you can not get nekkid in the office.

Why if you are always cold must you come in every morning and turn the temp up so its warmer. Why can you not just put a sweater,sweatshirt, parka anything on and turn little heater on (that you stole from me).. why. WHY.

Ahhh. Enough. Done for this week.

Anyone else work with people that by the end of the week you barely can speak to them, or am I just a bad person

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Re: Co-Irkers

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    Bad person
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    quit working and PLAY!!
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    I'm biting this one...

    a marketing manager with a PhD, that doesn't know is a$$ from his elbow, and cannot understand the simplistic of a spreadsheet!!!!

    a sales personal that thinks their jobs in my shop are more important than any of the other 250 orders in the shop!!

    an idiot for a quality manager who does nothing, EVER!

    a joke of a maintenance manager, who I have NEVER EVER EVER seen fix one thing here not even a broken pencil point!!! 

    Please remind me that my maternity leave is coming soon !!!!


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    The Receptionist - She is constantly screwing up her job!  She transfers so many calls to me that are not for me.  She is sugar sweet to your face and then talks about you - to the boss no less.  She is a suck up to the boss, well everybody actually.  She orders our supplies too.  Everytime I need something, she will screw it up.  No joke.  I wonder if it's because I don't put up with her crap.

    The Big Boss - She is an ice queen.  She doesn't speak to anyone, and if she has to, it's because they did something wrong.  She never says "Good morning" to ANYONE.  She has sent out emails saying that we are not supposed to speak to each other unless it is work related, and even then, we need to whisper.  If she see you talking to a co-worker, she will give you another project to do.  She picks on a new person every few days.  She will go through people's office/desk, check their work, and hound them.  When she gets tired of them she will move on to her next victim.

    Thank God I work on a different floor and my boss is pretty laid back.  I would have quit a long time ago if I had to deal with that crap everyday.  My boss is married to the ice queen, and sometimes I wonder why he married her. 

    Carrie, You will be jealous.  I am the only female on my floor and I can turn the temp to whatever I want!

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    quit working and PLAY!!

    I took an extra long lunch just to get away from these people.

    Of course then you get the .. are you ok.... blah blah blah.


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    Ok.. ladies your making my coworkers look good. Stop! hehe now I feel bad for complaining
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    Ok.. ladies your making my coworkers look good. Stop! hehe now I feel bad for complaining

    LOL I have one more!!!

    Head chemist, takes off the lid of a machine changes the filter, presses the start button and walks away from the machine. 5 mins later a bunch of chemicals ( I have no idea what it was) shooting up in the air because the "genius" didn't put the lid on, caused a complete shut down of that system for the day! Then yells that his intern was supposed to put the lid onHmm

    a mess!!!!


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    In my office they complain that it's cold, but refuse to change the thermostat. My boss has said we can change it if we're not comfortable, but the ladies in my office prefer to shiver, I guess. The bad thing is they still complain that it's too cold. Hmm
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    Ugh, I freaking HATE almost half of the people that I work with.  The owners make loads, and loads of money.  It's pretty much obscene.  Most of them are to the point where they do NOTHING now.  That's annoying.

    The VP annoys the CRAP out of me because she, too, makes way too much money and is a complete idiot.  All she knows about investments is what WE do here.  Nothing else.  No knowledge of the capital markets let alone people.  She's the most socially inept person I know, and I'm not exaggerating.  She's the type of person who has no clue that she is rambling on and on and on and boring her audience to DEATH.

    The CFO also lacks a personality.  And he has to ask each one of us how we are doing.  It's not enough to give a collective "how's everyone?".  Nope, he goes around and bugs each of us.  He also has MAD dandruff and makes excessive use of the word "uh". 

    The co-irker who got us banned from FB and everything else to do with social networking....yah, we all know where my thoughts are regarding her.

    The Prez has horrible hair plugs with an uneven hair line...he also gives the long hug that is a wee bit creepy.  Yet this man is a multi-millionaire several times over....for our Christmas party one year he drew my name.  He bought me a cookbook and a Starbucks card.  Guess how much money was on the crackbucks card?  $100, $50, $20, nope.....$10.  Cheapskate.

    Ugh, vent over!  Thanks for asking the question Carrie!

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