1st Trimester


a friend gave me a box of these. they sound great. but do you eat it instead of a prenatal vitamin? seems like a lot of vitamins in the bar to then take a vitamin too that day. https://www.diapers.com/product/productdetail.aspx?productid=8499
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Re: bellybars?

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    Nope! In addition to your prenatal! They are good. I like the chocolate ones!
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    I'm pretty sure they're just meant to be supplemental, since there's no actual amount (other than a percentage) of how much of each vitamin is in one.
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    I don't know if you have the box, but on the front of the box it says to "supplement" your prenatal vitamin.

    I buy them and love them. Regular protein bars and such have way too many vitamins. 

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    The woman at the maternity store told me the Belly Bars are for when you forget to take your prenatal vitamin 
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