My uncle comes over everyday around 9am - naptime. Everyday I tell him naptime is between 9-11. Just come over after that and you can see her.
So today I get her down for a nap. She's out like a light. I am in the shower. He comes over, yelling, "Ashley! Where's Karter?!" I told him that she was sleeping although, I am sure that woke her up.
She was still sleeping, which he yells to me from the hallway thisclose to her room.
Then he plays the piano. Which is on the connecting wall.
I get out of the shower and he is playing with her. "She woke up!" He says.
So I tell him, nicely, the baby is sleeping between 9 and 11 just come over after that. It is really hard for me to get her to sleep, she isn't sleeping at night and naps are crucial. He says, "fine, I won't come over at all. I just thought it was fun to see her"
He is such an effing baby. I tell him everyday. He has no idea what it is like, he has no kids. I am trying to not be a psycho about things but sleep is so hard right now. I don't know how else to handle it.
And now she's awake and fussing and I am the one that gets to deal with it all day.
Re: Freaking Out
Oh God, how frustrating! why won't he understand? My dad is the same way.
I put down the baby and he comes, looks at her and screams from her crib side "she's not sleeping, she's not even tired"
Sounds just like my mom!
Oh geez. I'm pissed off for you. Just get really specific and spell it out for him. "Karter loves to play with you but she can't play until 11:45. So, we'll see you at 11:45" or whatever time you want. That way if he comes a little early, he's not right in the middle of nap time.
But really, the fact that you even have to do/say all this is redic. Listen Uncle so and so "babies need to sleep more than grown ups need to play with them., you lose".
I am glad that other people have relatives like this, I mean, not really but more that people can understand where I am coming from. My mom does it to. But it isn't as bad. She will ask if K is sleeping. When I say yes, she says I am just going to look at her. And she does, just look. But sometimes movement in the room wakes her up. I don't know why. My uncle is the worst.
My aunt just tries to be extra loud when she is sleeping because "K needs to learn to sleep through anything." I try to explain that she can sleep through normal sounds, talking, walking, the dogs barking, but she can't sleep through you singing at the top of your lungs in the kitchen. And she shouldn't have to.
OMG!!! I would freak out!
DH took off today and when we woke up he decided to get Caroline up. Now she's been a fuss monster ever since. I'm annoyed but at the same time, I feel bad because he doesn;t get to spend as much time with her as I do.
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008
This exactly. Ugh.
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008
Haha! I saw that sign. It is threatening.