TTC After a Loss 6 Months+

praying e/o/d works for us!

we're really going to try to stick to doing the deed e/o/d this cycle.  i have a feeling i may get my +opk tomorrow which would be on our "off" day.  and of course the next day is fri. so DH wont' be home till later.  boo.  i hate worrying every cycle about our timing.  oh well, what can you do.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in

Re: praying e/o/d works for us!

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    FWIW: I've always found it to be very successful. Up until this cycle (because of the trigger, which changed things) it's the method we always used.

    Plus, there is the bonus of not bothering about when you ovulate. If you have sex e/o/d from end to start of your period, you really don't miss that window (assuming O is happening, of course.)


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    Good luck!  It seems to work for many
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    FWIW: I've always found it to be very successful. Up until this cycle (because of the trigger, which changed things) it's the method we always used.

    Plus, there is the bonus of not bothering about when you ovulate. If you have sex e/o/d from end to start of your period, you really don't miss that window (assuming O is happening, of course.)


    We're leaving for vacation this sat. so i'm guessing there may be a lot of sexy time going on so it was DH's idea to do e/o/d.  we always start out w/ the plan to do it e/o/d but we never seem to stick w/ it so this time that's our plan!  LOL 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
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    Good luck and have fun. ;-)


    * PG #1 2/26/09: mm/c 4/14/09 at 10w4d | PG #2 8/5/09: mm/c 9/29/09 at 11w3d (boy) * 
    * CP's 4/14/10, 9/1/10, 4/19/11, 5/24/11, 10/14/13, 11/16/13 *
    * Ectopic 1/17/14 - nothing on u/s at 6w4d * 
    * PG #7 BFP 12/21/11 - DD born 8/31/12 * 
    * DH Dx'd with balanced translocation in 2011 *

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I think I need a nap, I had to read this post about 10 times to get what praying had to do with it and why you only wanted to pray e/o/d.  Sorry, anyway, yes, I too pray that this works for you.  Good luck!
    Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle!
    April 2011 CP @ 5 weeks
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    Good luck!
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    Good luck!  EOD worked for me twice!
    Hold On ....Michael Buble
    MTHFR 2 copies of C677t mutation homozygous 2/2010
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Baby A born via c-section 1/10/12 @38w3d
    BFP #1 11/4/09 m/c 4w3d baby crab
    BFP #2 12/4/09 m/c 9w3d baby lion
    BFP #3 7/1/10 m/c 4w1d baby fish
    BFP #4 5/8/11
    BFP #5 8/17/12 10dpo beta 7
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    e/o/d seems to work for us too so that's why i'm really hoping it works. when we do it more often it doesn't work.  :o(

    Kristy- sorry i confused you.  LOL  i just type out what i'm thinking and do it quickly so it may not always make sense.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 8.15.07 NATHAN 6.13.09 - 6.14.09 WYATT born 32w3d Gone too soon, RIP. 4.21.10 BFP - missed m/c - D&C on 5.27.10. 1.31.11 BFP - 1st cycle IUI + Follistim + Trigger (2 mature follies)Beta 1 @ 13dpiui: 199 Beta 2 @ 15dpiui: 527 10.7.11 ELIANA(Ellie)ROSE (39w3d)Team Green turned Team Pink - VBAC & ALL NATURAL 6lbs 11oz 19 &1/2in
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    Sending lots of good luck your way.


    image 3 IUI's all BFN

    IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN

    Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10

    BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11

    Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11

    my blog

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    Our cycles are the same so yes you should be ovulating soon!  I definitely would stick to your plan, but once you get the +OPK get as much as you can.  Cheering for you as always Melissa!
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