Pregnant after a Loss

36 wk appt (kinda long)

Went well...1st! It wasn't terrible but definitely not comfortable. But the doctor did mention that she's a lot more gentle than the L&D nurses...awesome. So far closed but soft and opening at the end. 

I found out that my placenta is looking like a 40 wk placenta...which worries me a little. Dr said once again that we're just keeping an eye on it.

We spoke to her briefly about a "birth plan" (quotes because it's not much of a plan). I wanted a c/s from the beginning, but here lately I've been feeling like maybe I can do this vaginally. Then I found out from my Dr that she too had wanted a c/s to begin with and was dilated to about a 5 when she went in so she decided to try vaginal...but 11 hrs and only 1 cm later she decided on the c/s after all. So we decided on a if I go in labor and do good on dilating to give it a go vaginally with the understanding that I can pull the plug and go for the c/s at anytime.

I was happy with this plan for about 2 minutes until she did the u/s and got a head measurment at 9.87cm...hmm...3 wks left for him to grow and I only dilate to 10cm. Ok that plan is out the window!

So the big day is 9/21 at 730 am! Unless I go into labor sooner and then I go to the hospital and yell at everyone that I'm getting a c/s until my Dr arrives!!

Thats it for the day!

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