
is this a sign? and would it be a good or bad one?

I left a message for my nurse this morning (re: the spotting - previous post about Crinone) and she left me a message saying it was normal (which I knew but of course had to call anyway) and we are leaving the beta for Thursday unless it turns into a full flow (hasn't yet).  So I decide, okay... I'll go to the dollar store and buy a cheap HPT.  I get there, go in the aisle, there aren't any... plenty of OPKs but no HPTs.  So I find the lady and ask if they are behind the counter... she (loudly) explains that their delivery just came and they might be in there, sometimes they keep them on the bottom shelf in front of the registers (proceeds to show me), but otherwise they would be in the aisle with the OPKs.  Then says if I "live close by you can come back tomorrow, we'll have the truck all unpacked and should have some then" - uh, yeah thanks but no thanks, it's really not a big deal (and I said a few times, "nah, its okay, no big deal")... kind of embarrassing and wondering... could this be a sign? obviously someone doesn't want me POAS tonight! :)

Re: is this a sign? and would it be a good or bad one?

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    Maybe it is a sign to wait another day to get the result you are wanting to see!  I believe things happen for a reason and maybe you will get the positive result by waiting one more day...

    Anyways, hoping you finally get to POAS and see a BFP! Good Luck!

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