Health & Exercise

Bladder Pain/Pressure while Running


Before I got pregnant, I was an avid runner.  I intended to keep this up during my whole pregnancy (even if a bit slower) and have heard of many women who are able to do this.  However, the past few times I have tried to run, even with an empty bladder, I have discomfort in my lower abdomen.  Not contractions or anything but it feels like my bladder is getting bumped every time my foot hits the pavement.  I'm only 18 weeks pregnant (2nd baby) and am having a healthy pregnancy but have had to walk the past few workouts. 

I am seriously bummed about this.  Has anyone else has this problem?  Any ideas for how I can alleviate it without having to stop running?

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Re: Bladder Pain/Pressure while Running

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    I would just stop running. Honestly, is it worth that much pain? I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, this is just my opinion, but I ran for most of my first pregnancy, after birth I had to have bladder surgery, which meant I had to have a c/s with my second birth, and now I'm looking at more pelvic floor dysfunction issues. I don't think that running specifically caused them, it was more just how my body dealt with pregnancy (I'm very petite) but seriously, is it worth it?

    I love to run but sometimes your body is just trying to tell you something (in this case, it might be slow down).


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    I am just like you.  I was a serious runner before I got pregnant and wanted to continue for as long as I could.  I'm almost 36 weeks now and still running.  I was really struggling throughout the second tri and looked up some stuff online.  I got a maternity support belt, Gabrialla by FitMaternity (I think), and it really helped.  

    It helps to hold your belly up so your center of gravity can stay more normal and so that it doesn't feel like LO is about to fall out.  At 36 weeks, I'm feeling bladder pressure when I run, but I think it's cause is a little different. :)  If you can help it, and it's for sure not compromising your LO at all, keep running!  You will feel so much better about everything!!!

    GL and I hope this helps! 

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    I have found that my bladder pressure comes and goes. Sometimes, for a couple weeks it gets worse, and then it seems to get better again. I've decided it may have to to with the baby's positioning on any given day, although I have no idea if that's accurate.

    You mention running on pavement - if possible, could you switch to a dirt path or something softer? Normally, I am not picky about the surface I run on, but I will say during pregnancy that has changed. I am pretty much just running on a soft bark trail at this point because that's what feels best to my body (and bladder) right now.

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    Great!  Thank you guys for the suggestions!  I ordered the support belt and will try the gravel track at my son's elementary school.  Hopefully that will help!
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    I was able to run through my whole pg with my 2nd child, but with my first I had bladder issues.  My issues were that as soon as I started running I felt the urge to pee.  When I stopped it went away.  I only made it to 16-18 weeks of running with my first.

    Definitely try the maternity band.  I wore it every time I ran while pg with #2. 

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