School-Aged Children


Hi!  I've been lurking, so I thought I should probably introduce myself.  I am a stepmom to a wonderful 9 year old stepson, E.  DH and I have been married for almost three years, and are hoping to get some things in our life straightened around to re-start TTC soon.  We cyberschool, which means no real back-to-school for us... just back to the computer and back to deadlines!  I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!


image     image

Me (34): MTHFR, PCOS, Endo, left salpingectomy due to hydrosalpinx, 
hypothyroidism, low AMH (0.26)/normal FSH/average AFC of 12

Him (33): No known issues

November 2013-March 2014: Natural cycles
April 2014: Clomid 100mg and Ovidrel trigger -- BFN
May 2014: Clomid 100mg and Ovidrel trigger -- BFN
July 2014:  IVF class -- Check!
Holy crap.  Unmedicated BFP 7.22.14.  EDD 4.01.15.
Best April Fool's Day ever!
Now on Lovenox, prenatals, Vitamin D,
Folic Acid, and Synthroid.
Please be our take home baby.

Re: Intro

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