North Dakota Babies

Can we do a dear DH post?

Dear DH,

   I realize it's hot out and we don't have AC, but I'm getting really tired of you being cranky and complaining every time it gets above 80 degrees. It's August, we've barely had any really hot days this summer so a few 90 degree days aren't going to kill you. So please suck it up and stop b!tching.

Your sick of hearing you whine wife

Started TTC Nov. 2011 

1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d

Re: Can we do a dear DH post?

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    LOL... I'm so spoiled, I would be whining too!

    Dear DH,

    when I ask you to give the baby a bath before I get home, please don't ask why. I know I do it 95% of the time, but that doesn't mean it's not your job too! I get home from work after her bedtime, that's why!

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    loving this,,,

    Dear DH,

    Don't call me every 5 mins at work asking what the baby should eat, if the baby should take a nap, if I called the lawyer and the real estae broker.  I'm in charge of 5 other men who report directly to me and I can't deal with everyone coming to me for every single question they have.   Take some initiative, would you?


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    Dear DH,

    I'm so glad that when I came down from my shower last night, Caroline was in the swing again.  Thanks for your consistency!


    Your wife that spends all day and night with the baby

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    Mine is a Dear Daycare....

    Dear DC, 

    I realize that YOU think that Alexa doesn't need two naps, but when Mommy gets home from work I want to enjoy my time with my daughter not have a crabby little girl that doesn't want dinner because she is so tired. When we pick her up at 6:30pm and she falls asleep in the car it is far too late for her to take a nap. 


    Mommy that wants to enjoy the only 2 hours she gets during the week with her daughter

    ~Kimberly & Eric~ April 21, 2008 ~Tensing Pen ~ Negril, Jamaica ~ My Blog: One Sunset at a Time
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    Dear DH, Last night when you came in the kitchen and helped me finish putting away the dishes, you made my day. It only saved me a few minutes but just the fact that you took time out from the TV made me happy. If you want me to be more pleasant, 5 minutes of helping an evening will get you every where. Love, Your wife (not your servant)
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    Mine is dear baby...

    Dear Baby K,

    Please sleep for more than two hour stretches at night.  You're not a newborn anymore.  You're lucky you're cute.



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    Dear DH,

    So glad you chose to leave your socks and shoes out last night as Caroline is enjoying chewing on them this morning.

    Thanks again for providing entertainment for her!


    Your Baby Mama

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    Mine is a Dear MIL

    Dear MIL,

    Remember how you have really low blood pressure that makes you pass out without any warning signs?  Please explain to me why I would leave my DD with you to baby sit when it is possible you will black out?  Remember when just a year ago you called DH to tell him you passed out, you don't know for how long, and that you cut yourself open, are black and blue and broke a lamp?  I know you love your granddaughter, but think about her safety okay, thanks.  You can keep asking to baby sit her, I know you are willing to move up here to baby sit when I go back to work, but until she is old enough to call us to let us know grandma fell down, it is not going to happen.

    Your DIL.

    A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010
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