Potty Training

Are we crazy for letting DD go to my ILs overnight so soon?

We started the 3 Day PTing on Saturday. DD has been exposed to the toilet/potty before than so she's fairly comfortable with it. We're on day 4 and she is kind of getting it, she's told me all the times she needed to pee this morning. She doesn't poop in the toilet at all and will actually hold her poop until I take her down (but I didn't expect it to work miraculously, really). She has woken up 3 times wet last night, the day before than she slept from 9-5:40ish and woke up dry.

This weekend, we have a lot of plans, so DD was going to go to my ILs on Friday night and DH was planning to pick her up Sunday morning. I'm going to be in Atlantic City for a bachelorette party, DH is going to Six Flags with his coworkers on Saturday. He claims that my ILs won't have a problem sticking to what we're doing and getting up with her in the middle of the night if she woke up wet. But I don't know, I'm a bit uneasy about this. Are we rushing into this? I can always cancel on AC, and even if DH still goes to Six Flags, I'll be home with her. WWYD?

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