Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DD is always overtired and cries all day...HELP!

The past few days my DD has started this thing where she fights sleep and ends up overtired which makes her cry and cry no matter what I do. She is fed, burped, and has a clean diaper. I try bouncing, rocking. shushing, swaddling, you name it! If I am lucky enough to get her to sleep, she won't sleep for more than an hour and it's the same thing all over again. It's SO frustrating and exhausting! She doesn't like the paci, she will sometimes take the one after being persistent with it and it calms her down as soon as she takes it which is why I don't understand why she fights the paci. DH has the HBOTB dvd coming on his netflix. Seriously she is only happy like 5 mintues a day and the rest of the day other than a few catnaps and nursing, oh and bath time(she likes that), she just cries! At night she doesn't do this at all. After 10 she is asleep for a normal nightime routine. Wakes up in the night normally, eats, gets changed, and goes right back to sleep! What am I doing wrong? Help!


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Re: DD is always overtired and cries all day...HELP!

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    Oh and I forgot to mention she hates the swing and bouncer also!
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    I hope someone replies to your post with a solution, because I'm going through the same thing.  This is starting to make me hate being a mother.  I can't do this all day every day....
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    When DD gets overtired like that, we go for a ride in the car.  It puts her right to sleep.  If it's not too hot out, we go for a walk.  I guess the movement from the car and stroller soothes her to sleep.  Works for us, maybe it will work for you too!!

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    How long is she awake after a feeding?   If you notice that she's getting cranky after an hour of being awake then try swaddling and relaxing with her 30 minutes after she's awake so she doesn't get over tired.

    HBOTB is wonderful and will hopefully really help you.  It sounds like you're doing what the dvd is saying except one at a time...

    You may try swaddling, shushing, and jiggling (letting her head bobble around a little while rocking / bouncing) to see if that works.  HBOTB says that you should shush really loud so she can hear you over her crying.  

    The 5 s's he will talk about in the DVD are:

    1. swaddling

    2. side lying (in your arms - like holding a football)

    3. shaking (jiggling)

    4. shushing / white noise

    5. sucking (if she rejects the paci you can try your finger)

    Sometimes one of the five will work other times you may need to do all five at the same time.  My DD does really well with swaddling and jiggling.  Sometimes I have to add the shush / white noise.  My DD refuses the paci and my finger so that one is out the window but she doesn't really need it. 

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    I hope someone replies to your post with a solution, because I'm going through the same thing.  This is starting to make me hate being a mother.  I can't do this all day every day....

    me too... even the car ride trick doesn't work...

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    When DD gets overtired like that, we go for a ride in the car.  It puts her right to sleep.  If it's not too hot out, we go for a walk.  I guess the movement from the car and stroller soothes her to sleep.  Works for us, maybe it will work for you too!!

    Yes, this too.  When in doubt - car ride!!!! 

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    DS's fussiness peaked around 5-6 weeks, but unlike your LO he didn't sleep at night either.  DH and I had to take shifts - he would sit downstairs with him from 12am-3am and I would sit with him from 3am-6am.  It was terrible.  He wasn't sick, had no temperature, gaining weight well, soiling diapers, etc.

    I think that it was his 6 week growth spurt.  We originally thought that it may be reflux and DS was temporarily taking Mylanta as per our pedi's advice.  Around 7-8 weeks, it just stopped.  He was able to entertain himself more, he started smiling/giggling more and he started to sleep from 10pm-4:30am.  We stopped giving him Mylanta and noticed no difference in his behavior, so he didn't really need that anymore.

    HBOTB did help, but there were still times where he would fuss and cry.  Singing the ABCs to him also helped.  GL!

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    i guess im just lucky then bc the car doesnt work either and air quality is too bad for walks.  i also haven't had any success with hbotb no matter how hard we try.
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    When my baby is like this we go outside and it calms her right down. She loves it out there I don't know why! She'll calm down enough to doze off. Also try running the vaccuum, my baby loves that too!Hang in there it will get better!
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    When DD gets overtired like that, we go for a ride in the car.  It puts her right to sleep.  If it's not too hot out, we go for a walk.  I guess the movement from the car and stroller soothes her to sleep.  Works for us, maybe it will work for you too!!

    I wish it would work. I took DD to the mall with me yesterday so she would sleep since she usually falls asleep in her car seat. Nope, not anymore, she screamed the whole way. Eventually she fell asleep in her stroller, but only for an hour and then screamed bloody murder in the mall so I had to leave.

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    I hope someone replies to your post with a solution, because I'm going through the same thing.  This is starting to make me hate being a mother.  I can't do this all day every day....

    I know what you mean. I think everyday what did I get myself into? I love DD, but I told DH I don't know if I want anymore children after this and this is our first!

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    I hope someone replies to your post with a solution, because I'm going through the same thing.  This is starting to make me hate being a mother.  I can't do this all day every day....

    I know what you mean. I think everyday what did I get myself into? I love DD, but I told DH I don't know if I want anymore children after this and this is our first!

    Yep - now DH thinks I have ppd, which is great.  I'm so sick of people lying about how "this will get better."  I've been waiting for five weeks already!  When exactly is it miraculously going to get better?  25 years???  I can't wait that long.

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    I hope someone replies to your post with a solution, because I'm going through the same thing.  This is starting to make me hate being a mother.  I can't do this all day every day....

    I know what you mean. I think everyday what did I get myself into? I love DD, but I told DH I don't know if I want anymore children after this and this is our first!

    Yep - now DH thinks I have ppd, which is great.  I'm so sick of people lying about how "this will get better."  I've been waiting for five weeks already!  When exactly is it miraculously going to get better?  25 years???  I can't wait that long.

    i felt exactly like this from 5-8weeks.  i was ready to scream and i do have ppd.  i know you don't want to hear it but it is getting better now.  dd is a lot more predictable with awake and asleep times. just know that there is an end in sight.  also, try not to compare your LO to others on here--many of these babies seem to reach milestones pretty early (sttn, smiling, etc.)...Wink  i kept wondering what was wrong with me and dd, but she's right on schedule for development.




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    My dd was the same way and i thought the same thing and it turned out that she had colic and when i would give her mylicon to relieve her colics it worked. This was like this for a few weeks and it only happend from like 5pm till like 11 sometimes 2 am.

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    One trick my husband discovered was to take DS into the basement where it is dark and cold and quiet.  It seems to calm him down.  Other times I've used baby squats to calm him.  I also discovered that he'll fall asleep in his Snugli.  I put him in one day because I couldn't soothe him and needed to get stuff done.  Then I just went about my business with him wailing.  In 5 minutes he stopped crying and fell asleep.  Good luck. 
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    I know that a lot of babies have a hard time calming down enough to take a nap during the day... what worked for my baby was to swaddle her, rock her, and giver her the pacifier. 

    Unfortunately, she learned to roll over from her back to her tummy even while swaddled at 3 months so we can no longer swaddle her.  I tried everything to get her to take naps and finally had to just let her cry.  The first day was the worst (I cried more than she did) but now she usually only cries for a couple minutes when I put her down for a nap.

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    Gosh, I am so glad I am not the only one that feels this way!  Your DD sounds just like my DS!  Things have gotten better (my DS is about 3 weeks older than your DD) but we haven't hit that magical moment of everything is great.  I thought for sure at 4 weeks my DS hated me and there was nothing I could do to make him happy.  We are getting smiles and some happy time now so it isn't quite as bad.  DS has reflux which he is on Zantac for (just got prescribed Prilosec yesterday - we'll see if that helps).  Does your DD show signs of reflux or gas?  That is definitely one thing to rule out.  DS will occasionally not sleep (or wake up screaming) from pain.  Although, this is not always the case - a lot of the time he is crying because he can't seem to soothe himself.  Fortunately, the swing does work for him - the only thing!  One thing to try is a side to side swing if you haven't yet.  DS HATES the swing that goes back to front but stays calm and falls asleep miraculously in the side to side swing.  We do a lot of the other 5 s's too.  Ours has a hard time with the paci too even though he wants to suck all the time and it comforts him when he does get a hold of it!  But if he loses it we start from square one so I try not to use it unless absolutely necessary.  We have to swaddle him in order for him to even think about sleeping.  I hated doing this all the time but it is what he needs in order to sleep.  Shhing works too but I find it to be a temporary fix for DS - as soon as I stop he gets agitated again.  Side/stomach does not work with DS.  I think it is a product of the reflux but he hates it. 

    Anyways, I'm not much help - but totally feel you!  It has gotten better so I guess those people that say it gets better are right.  I'm hoping it gets a whole lot better in the next few weeks.  If not, our son will be an only child!

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