Babies: 6 - 9 Months

"One & Done" mommies, come in........

how are you dealing with the fact that the baby is now outgrowing his baby stuff (bouncer, jumperoo, swing, clothes, etc.)

Also, everytime I put clothes away that he outgrows I'm torn as to whether to keep them for him when he has a family or donate/sell them.

Also, how are you emotionally dealing with the fact that the baby is now entering a new phase of mobility and is not the little newborn anymore.

I still get sad thinking about it but I wanted to see what other's emotions and thoughts were.

God Bless our sweet baby James. Our son, born 11/22/09. Unplanned, Emergency C-section image
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: "One & Done" mommies, come in........

  • We are pretty sure we are one and done and it makes me so sad!  I keep wanting to save everything, just in case DH finds an AWESOME job and we can afford another baby.  I have gotten rid of some stuff but not the bouncer, swing, etc.  That will be a sad day when I do that!
  • imagevmm0016:
    We are pretty sure we are one and done and it makes me so sad!  I keep wanting to save everything, just in case DH finds an AWESOME job and we can afford another baby.  I have gotten rid of some stuff but not the bouncer, swing, etc.  That will be a sad day when I do that!

    Finances for you too?  We can't afford more than one little blessing and we are older first time parents that are meeting the challenges of having energy for this little guy every day.  Glad I'm not alone.

    God Bless our sweet baby James. Our son, born 11/22/09. Unplanned, Emergency C-section image
    "Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imagejust_peachy:

    We are pretty sure we are one and done and it makes me so sad!  I keep wanting to save everything, just in case DH finds an AWESOME job and we can afford another baby.  I have gotten rid of some stuff but not the bouncer, swing, etc.  That will be a sad day when I do that!

    Finances for you too?  We can't afford more than one little blessing and we are older first time parents that are meeting the challenges of having energy for this little guy every day.  Glad I'm not alone.

    Nope not alone, our OB actually told us, "time is running out".  I wanted to throat punch him, I am 34 how old are you?

  • We're not one and done, but I've started saving a few of my favorite clothes of Bean's in a box.  Even if we have another baby, or even another boy, there are a few things that are ONLY Bean's.  I've given away a lot of the clothes, but not the gear...
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  • imagevmm0016:

    We are pretty sure we are one and done and it makes me so sad!  I keep wanting to save everything, just in case DH finds an AWESOME job and we can afford another baby.  I have gotten rid of some stuff but not the bouncer, swing, etc.  That will be a sad day when I do that!

    Finances for you too?  We can't afford more than one little blessing and we are older first time parents that are meeting the challenges of having energy for this little guy every day.  Glad I'm not alone.

    Nope not alone, our OB actually told us, "time is running out".  I wanted to throat punch him, I am 34 how old are you?


    I'm (GULP)  39 and DH is (GULP GULP) 45!

    God Bless our sweet baby James. Our son, born 11/22/09. Unplanned, Emergency C-section image
    "Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagejust_peachy:

    We are pretty sure we are one and done and it makes me so sad!  I keep wanting to save everything, just in case DH finds an AWESOME job and we can afford another baby.  I have gotten rid of some stuff but not the bouncer, swing, etc.  That will be a sad day when I do that!

    Finances for you too?  We can't afford more than one little blessing and we are older first time parents that are meeting the challenges of having energy for this little guy every day.  Glad I'm not alone.

    Nope not alone, our OB actually told us, "time is running out".  I wanted to throat punch him, I am 34 how old are you?


    I'm (GULP)  39 and DH is (GULP GULP) 45!

    LOL, love the GULP!  You are as young as you feel.  I wish I could turn back the clock and meet DH sooner but hey at least we have one right?  My boss had her baby at 49 and that is her one and only.  So, there is still time for us!  That means you too, I will keep praying for stability so we can both have another one!  Big Smile

  • I'm pretty sure we're "one and done." We're about to purchase a condo in SoCal, which isn't cheap, so we think one is all we can afford right now. I'm 35 and DH will be 39 this year, so we don't exactly have all the time in the world to change our minds...unless we adopt.

    I'm actually excited to move past the newborn stage. I was never a huge fan and I'm enjoying watching DS sing and play games with us. He's going to be a fun kid. I do miss him sleeping on my chest. That was always nice.

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  • We're 99% sure DS is it for us.  I'm conflicted about getting rid of stuff because we're not 100% and I'd hate to have to buy this stuff again, I also have a younger sister who I am extremely close to who I'd want to give it to BUT she said she thinks there is a 25% chance she'd consider having kids and shes not anywhere near that now so I'd have to hold it forever and maybe for nothing!

    In a strong moment, I sold/gave away a ton of the newborn baby gear and clothes we had and I felt so much better after!  I did set aside a box of clothes and things that were either very sentimental to me so I want them or were very nice so I'd save them "just in case."  We made like $400 on random stuff which I put in DS's account.

    I hated the newborn stage and really am having so much more fun now that DS is a bit older.  I will miss this stage as DS becomes more mobile and Im trying to savor it but it is tough to know that you wont experience it again.

  • A) LO was a pleasent surprise

    B) OMG the first 3 months were HELL, AR and Milk Protien Allergies...need I say more

    C) I had rough PPD and PPA

    but now that he's 7mo+ a couple weeks ago DH busted out with "when Nathan has a little brother" me looking at him in shock...ok we'll I guess we were One and it's 1 and wait 2 or 3 years then another.

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  • Dh doesn't want anymore and I didn't think I did either, but the more I think about it, the more I would like another one. Not anytime soon though. Maybe in 5 or 6 years. Im 28.
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  • DD will most likely be it- unless a miracle happens and I end up pregnant (not likely) I dont know if we will adopt again. We are so in love with DD- we are good with her just being the one and only spoiled rotten little princess.

    We are keeping her swing and bouncer and baby toys, I figure I can give them to someone, or sell them on craigslist- Im just not ready to get rid of them right now- they are just put away. Her clothes are boxed up- I am planning on giving some away, but again- I am just not ready to part with them yet.

    I am kinda sad that she is not a baby baby anymore, but I am loving watching her grow and learn new things, and I am looking forward to things when she's older. I try to take in each day and love every minute with her (hard some days) because I know in the back of my mind this may be it, I may never get to experience this again.

    Our Journey from two to three! 3 IUI's, 2 IVF's, decided to move to foster/adopt. 12/24/2009 Baby C born, 2/1/2010 placed with us, 5/17/2011 Adoption final- we are finally a forever family! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • According to DH, we're "one & done."  I am pretending that we're not.  It's too sad to think about.  I am working on wearing him down, so we're saving everything.

    Please don't keep all his clothes for "him".  It's not for him, it's for you.  His wife will DIE when you walk in with 18 years of his clothing and expect her to use them.  You will be that "My MIL is a nut job post."  Choose a couple of your favorites, then donate or sell the rest.


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  • imagecchill01:

    According to DH, we're "one & done."  I am pretending that we're not.  It's too sad to think about.  I am working on wearing him down, so we're saving everything.

    Please don't keep all his clothes for "him".  It's not for him, it's for you.  These are clothes that his aunts and other family members MADE for him, including blankets, etc. His wife will DIE when you walk in with 18 years of his clothing and expect her to use them.  You will be that "My MIL is a nut job post." I plan on being a nutjob without being a MIL! lol Choose a couple of your favorites, then donate or sell the rest.


    God Bless our sweet baby James. Our son, born 11/22/09. Unplanned, Emergency C-section image
    "Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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