Attachment Parenting

What's your bedsharing/cosleeping history?

The earlier posts about bedsharing and marriage got me thinking about the manner in which the families on this board sleep.  I consider myself pretty AP but we don't bedshare regularly.

 DD was in the bassinet part of her pack n play in our room until 3 months when we transitioned her to her crib.  Currently, we only bedshare when we are nursing or if DD needs to in order to sleep (like last night--she's cutting her top teeth right now).  This arrangement seems to work for us--we don't bedshare more often because it's really not very comfortable for all three of us to share our full size bed (I woke up to DH sleeping with his head hanging off of the bed because DD had turned horizontal in the bed).  DD sleeps great in her crib so we just go with it.  If she hated her crib I'm sure we'd figure something else out.

 So do you cosleep full time?  Bedshare full time?  Part time?  How has your sleeping arrangement changed throughout your LO's life?

Re: What's your bedsharing/cosleeping history?

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    LO has slept in her own crib in her own room from day one.

    She's always been very happy and relaxed in there.

    We often used to bedshare to nap together during the day and now we snooze in bed together from around 530am until we get up for the day 7-8am. 

    there have been times when LO has been waking through the night frequently and I've wanted to bring her into our bed because I've been so exhausted, but I haven't because I know those are the circumstances you shouldn't bedshare under. 

    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

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    Co-sleeper from day one.

    Then at some point I tried to move him to his own crib.  4 mos maybe?  That lasted for about two months then I just found it easier to put him back in the co-sleeper.  He stayed in there and then I would pull him into bed for his first feeding and he would stay.  Then we eventually got to a point where he wouldn't sleep in the Co-Sleeper any more and would only sleep in our bed.

    So we bed-shared until 16 mos. when we moved him to a floor bed in his own room.  He spends anywhere from 75-100% of the night in his own bed now. 

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    DD bed-shared from Day 1.  After a year, she moved into a toddler bed in our room and then we moved her into her own room a little before she turned 2.  She's back in our bed right now, though, because we have company and they are using her room.  We also sleep in her bed some nights if she has a rough night or doesn't feel well.

    DS doesn't really bed-share per say because we're trying to figure out if he has reflux issues and he sleeps more soundly in his swing or on the couch with me/DH sitting up.   I am hoping to move to actual bed-sharing very soon, though.  He'll stay in our room in some capacity until after a year and then he'll move into the same room as DD for a year or two.

    Bunny 05.2008//mc 9.2009//Bubba 07.2010//mc 10.2011//
    Bloggin' It
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    We started out bedsharing- we had an ARCS but DD wouldnt' sleep anywhere but right next to me, so for all of our sanity, we bedshared. As she got older, she got more restless at night, and around the same time, I noticed her pulling off and being able to fall asleep w/out being nursed- I took that opportunity to move her to her crib in her room. I brought her in with us when she'd wake and she'd snuggle and sleep with me in the mornings, until she got mobile- now, when she wakes, she wants to play instead of snuggle and cuddle, even if it's 5am. So, she usually winds up back in her crib in the AM now. :( I wish she still would snuggle with me in the mornings.
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    My son is 8 and stills sleeps in our bed.  I am a little ashamed to admit it.  We have tried multiple times ( I guess not hard enough) to get him to sleep in his own bed, but he just really does not want to.  I works nights 3 to 4 nights a week and sometimes I do want to snuggle with him cause he is growing up so fast, but now that I'm pregnant I want to get him to sleep in his own bed.  He kicks and hits sometimes.  With the new baby we will put that baby to bed in his/her bed from the start.
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    DD started in the pnp next to our bed and she was sttn very early, so it worked great. Then at 4 months she stopped sttn and we started bed-sharing more to make nursing easier. She's always started the night in her pnp (or recently crib), then slept with us after her first wake-up.
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    Bed-sharer from day 1...  Usually naps in the crib and spends the first 1-3 hours of the night in the crib - but the rest of the time with us.

    We hope to transition to mattress in his room before age 2.

    BFP#1 May 17, 2008
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    BFP #2 September 25, 2008
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    BFP #3 February 6, 2011
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    BFab11BFab11 member
    We've bedshared from the beginning. Sometimes he'll start out in his bassinet next to the bed, but at this point he's falling asleep at the same time as me so we just go to bed together.
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    BFab11BFab11 member
    We've bedshared from the beginning. Sometimes he'll start out in his bassinet next to the bed, but at this point he's falling asleep at the same time as me so we just go to bed together. We have a cal king bed so there's plenty of space for all 3 of us to be comfy.
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    Bassinette until she was about 4 months old? after that she wouldn't sleep in it, or her crib. We started bedsharing then..full time. I went to bed when she went to bed, every night around 10pm [this kid has always been a night owl]. Naps were taken on the couch while I sat next to her, or while laying on our chests. Eventually [around 6-8 months maybe] she started napping in her crib.

    Around 1 yr old she started going down on her own in her crib for bedtime, but would always wake up around 2-3am. At that point she'd come into our bed and cosleep the rest of the night. That continued until she was about 16 months old, when she would sleep in her crib until like 4-5am and then come into our bed. At 18 months old she started STTN in her crib for the full night and now sleeps in it from about 10pm-11am [I told you she was a night owl].

    So it was cosleeping and no STTN for 18 months. No CIO, no sleep training and the kid is a perfect sleeper now. We brush teeth, change diaper, get a kiss and lay her in the crib and she's out for the count without a fuss

    2 losses
    2 beautiful children
    proud mommy!
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    Bassinet in our room until sometime in the early morning, when she snuggles with me until we get up for the day.  On challenging nights where she is up very often, I will bring her into bed with me sooner.  Husband loves it when she is in bed with us!  But I find it a bit cramped.
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    From birth to 4 months we bedshared with one of those snuggle nests. From 4-6 months bedshared without snuggle nest. 6 months - 20 months bedtime to first nightwaking in crib in our room, rest of night bedshare. 20 months - now bedtime to first nightwaking in toddler bed in own room, rest of night bedshare.
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    She slept very well in her snugglenest but she outgrew it fast. I love having her in our bed but she's been doing fine in her PnP for now. I plan on moving her back in our bed once we get our bedbug bumpers.
    DD1 - 2010 TTC v2.0
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    we exclusively bed shared for three months, then she slept beside our bed until six months.  At six months, she came out of the horrible 4-6 month growth spurt she was going through and was down to waking up once or twice a month, so we transitioned to the crib (with no tears either.)

    Now, at almost two, she only sleeps with us when she's sick.  We do bed share for naps though, since being PG has made me need a nap as much as she does.

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    LO slept in his bassinet the first night home from the hospital after than up until day 12 he slept with us in our bed, say 12 diagnosed with AR and told NOT to bedshare and to have him sleep in his bouncy seat, car seat, swing etc... we moved his bouncy seat into our room he slept there till abour 6 weeks when we got the FP Rock N Play Sleeper and from that point on we co-slept until about 4 1/2 months then moved him to a pack N play for a couple weeks then transitioned him to his crib. He starts off each night in his crib (some night goes all night in his crib) but when his teeth are bothering him around 2-4 he'll wake up and want to snuggle with us and either one of us will go sleep in his room on the futon with him.
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    DS is almost 16 months old and he has been in our bed since we 1st brought him home. ?We have a full size bed and it feels like we have ZERO room in our bed. ?He does great at night (meaning he does not kick or hit) and we still nurse at night. ?Bedsharing has made our life so easy, but I have NO idea when we will transfer him to his own bed or crib. ?For naps I usually sit next to him while he naps. ?I read, knit or use my computer for work. ?(I work part-time from home) ?


    31 months!
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    The first week home with him was crazy. We put him in the co-sleeper for about 2 nights until he just stopped sleeping in there. I was scared to sleep with him on a bed, so I would start falling asleep with him on the ground. Finally, I started sleeping with him in the bed, and he's been there ever since.
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    PNP bassinet in the guest room with me in the guest bed until she was about 2 months old.

    Finally figured out she slept better swaddled and she did awesome with that and slept in her crib until about 6 months old.

    At 6 months, she decided her crib was "evil" and she would either instantly wake up or only sleep for 15 minutes tops before she was up and not just fussing, but screaming...only long enough for me to run to her room to get her.

    So, back to the guest room for me because I thought DH wouldn't be up for bed-sharing.  When she was around 9 months, we decided we missed being in the same room/bed at night and now we have a family bed.  All 3 of us sleep far better than we did before since we started bed-sharing.  DD is 16 months now and we're in no hurry to move her.

    The only problem is sometimes she turns horizontal at night lately and then DH wonders in his sleep why he is getting kicked in the back.  hehe

    ETA: I will note that she sleeps at daycare just fine in a crib/PNP, but she flat out refuses at home.  But, I love the snuggles, so I don't care!

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    We started out with LO in a co-sleeper and she would only sleep in it if my hand was on her. Needless to say, I was not sleeping very well at all. My mom suggested I read up on Dr. Sears and bed sharing and we started that night (LO was about 2wks old). She has slept with us since then and DH and I love it. We are trying to get her to sleep in her pack-n-play now until we go to bed, then we scoop her up and bring her in with us. Some nights it works, some nights it doesn't. She loves a good snuggle.
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    Co-sleeper from day #1 with my twin boys.  They are now 3 1/2 and I can kind of feel the end is coming. So sad. End of an era kind of thing!

    We sleep with them in their beds. We found this easier because their beds are kid-proof (Aerobeds on the floor) and it allows us to put them to bed and have them be safe until we join them later at night.

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    Cosleep full time (LOs crib is in our room). Bedshare part times (If LO nurses he stays in bed after). Hasn't changed. We have a king sized bed. LO would sleep on his crib ful time I our bed was any smaller - DH sprawls out when he sleeps and is paranoid of rolling onto LO (even tho LO sleeps beside me)
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    Before we had DS, we thought we'd co-sleep until 2 months and then move him to his own room and crib.  Then we had him and everything changed.  :)  

    We started out bedsharing and cosleeping in a pnp by our bed (more bedsharing than cosleeping).  We still co-sleep every night, and bedshare if DS wakes during the night.  I work full-time so I'm not ready to have DS sleep in his own room at night, and I don't see us transitioning him to his crib/room anytime soon. 

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