Working Moms

help...need to change daycares and not sure how to tell the current

So my DD goes to a wonderful in home daycare provider. She watched our sons as well. She help DD slot for 6 months however financially things have come up so we can not afford her any longer. She has been very flexible on the pay if we were late ect. However we have a close family friend who has offered to watch all 3 of our kids and transport our oldest from school. at a more affordable rate. I love who DD goes to now and we are friends. But need to think of our family situation. We cant afford her hense the late pays ect. any ideas how to break it to her. Also issues were between the 3 kids there were 8 weeks every yr we dont have care for 1 or all 3 of the kids and dont have that kind of vacation every yr, So they will be starting new care next week since DD daycare provider is taking the first two weeks of aug off for vaca and we needed new care for her during that time anyway

Re: help...need to change daycares and not sure how to tell the current

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    see the post bellow about breaking up with a DCP
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    Just come out and tell them. It is a business, after all. You may be friends with the DCP, but you pay them, right?  Its not personal...its a business. Just explain the situation to her the way you explained it to us. Its totally understandable.
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    I agree.  Just tell her you cannot financially afford her and have found a less expensive option for your family.

    Yikes to 8 weeks of vacation.  I cannot imagine having that much time off.  I'm assuming that includes holiday time.  I don't know of any job (in the corporate world) that gives more than 5 weeks of vacation.  Just curious do you have to pay her for all of that time off?

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    Just to clarify, DD daycare provider takes 3 weeks vaca paid plus extra time on holidays paid. Plus our boys program has winter break(2 weeks) spring break (1 week)  plus week after school gets out and week before next school yr starts. So a total of 8 weeks we need other care between the 3 kids. Our boys are in elementary and our dd daycare only keeps them til in full time school.
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    I'm usually a lurker but had to speak up on this one.  And I must agree with the pp.  It is a business and regardless if you're friends, she should understand that you have to do what's in the best interest of your family.  I live in an area where DCP whether they're in home or centers are few and far between but still that is a lot to ask of anyone...8 weeks vaca PAID.  I think 2 weeks tops is more reasonable...and one week should be paid and the other week unpaid.  My DCP has been able to have her daughters help to keep it fully staffed while she was on vaca, but I do get one week a year where I can take a vaca and not have to pay her.  If she wasn't able to get help and we had to find alternate care...we would still have to pay her as well as the alternate caregiver.  Your DCP should be able to fill that spot if she has a waiting list as I know mine has a list a mile long of people waiting. 


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