Pre-School and Daycare

Re: CLP1027***

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    Those are really cute! I especially like the cupcakes on the third link! This is the cake I made for DS#1's birthday last year. I don't know if it will work since it's a facebook link, but I'll try.!/photo.php?pid=30863702&id=1445264534

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    Super cute!! So you're going to do Mario again??

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    I think so. I would love to do something else, but he's so obsessed with Mario and he went crazy for DS#1's cake when it was his birthday. I did Mickey for his 2nd birthday because I didn't want to do Mario again, but his obsession doesn't seem to be fading. I still have another 7 months though. He may be over it by then. He really likes Blue's Clues and I can picture a really cute cake in my head! Hopefully he won't be into something like Barney by the time his birthday rolls around!
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    LOL!  Cute!!  Madison loooooooves Blues Clues also!!
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