Does anyone still do that? I admit, I'll rock with with DS for naps and bedtime.. but he's not always asleep when I put him in his crib..I know its not a good habit..If you don't do it, do you just put DC in the crib and do they just go to sleep without protesting it? What is your naptime/bedtime routine?
Re: Rocking to sleep (naps and bedtime)?
i used to rock DD to sleep at nap/bedtime EVERY day but that got real old, real quick. we decided to sleep train with CIO and haven't had to rock her to sleep since. it took 2 nights of crying, but that was it - TOTALLY worth it in my opinion.
at nap time, we go into her room, turn on her noise machine, close the blinds, give DD her binky/lovey and put her in her crib wide awake. at bedtime, DH gives her a bath, gets her into PJ's, gives her binky/lovey, snuggles with her in her chair for a minute then down she goes, wide awake.
most of the time when we put her down she will roll around in her crib and entertain herself until she falls asleep - but we don't hear a peep out of her at all. she stays quietly in her crib after nap/bedtime until i go get her.....
are you asking because it bothers you or because you feel like you shouldnt do it. If the latter, enjoy the cuddle time. if not, PPs suggestions are good.
With DD I rocked her for a long time- honestly i dont remember when we stopped. Basically she stopped it and just pointed at the crib and wiggled out of my arms. Rocking over