Parenting after a Loss

Random poll (not clicky)

Will you BF your next LO (if you plan on having more of course)?

I can't really make any promises. I always wanted to try it and had high hopes of doing it a full year but I will be lucky if I make it six months. When I was pg I didn't really think it was gonna be my thing but I actually have no complaints. But sometimes it gets very difficult and stressful. I might just reward myself and FF the next LO and be selfish because it seems SO MUCH more convenient than BF.


Missed MC 1 - 11/21/2006 Missed MC 2 - 03/10/2008 BFP # 3 09/18/09 - Gabriel David born 05/11/2010 baby

Re: Random poll (not clicky)

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    Yes. I am hoping it goes more smoothly then it did with Amelia. I had high hopes of nursing for a year. I have been EPing with her now and I really hope i can make it 6 months.
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    I would like to BF as long as I can with any children, because I'm a cheap b@stard and don't want to pay for formula. ;)
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    That, and I think whipping out the ol' b00b is pretty convenient.
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    yep ! I have BF'd Kylie (for 11 1/2 months- she weaned herself) , and am going to attempt to feed Brynn for a year as well. If we have more childrens (DH isnt so on board there) I would BF them as well.
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    I would like to try again.  Only made it barely 3 weeks with DD.  I am not going to get as stressed next time though if it doesnt work out.  (hopefully!)
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    Yeah, I'd like to BF #2.  With #1 I had major supply issues and completely dried up at 6 weeks.  I have no idea how long I"ll feel like BF with #2 but I'm hoping that my bbs cooperate and I at least have the choice to BF.
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    Yeah I will.  I EP'd with DS for several long months.  I enjoyed BFing but DS didn't have a good latch due to short frenulum so I think if the next kid doesn't have that problem, it won't be so hard? Wishful thinking...
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    Yep, we're going to try. But....since we have formula fed DD since 5 months I no longer have hard feelings against ff-ing.
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    absolutly!  I love BFing and it would break my heart if I couldn't for #2
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    Well, I tried with DD, but my milk never came in.  I pumped and pumped for the first 3 weeks, around the clock every 3 hours, and never once got more that 10 ml.  That's 2 teaspoons.  So if things work out, and I actually get milk, I would like to.  But if I can't I won't stress so much about it as I did this time.  DD is doing well on formula  :)
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    I actually have plans to try really hard to BF this time.  I had to EP for DS, but I'm hoping LO #2 has a better suck reflex and will latch on.  I know more what to expect in general this time, so I don't think I'll be as overwhelmed next time and will be able to give it a better go.  If not, I've got no problem with EPing again, and I plan to do it longer than I did with DS (at least for the entire time I'm on leave, instead of just 8 weeks).
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    If we have another, and that's a big if, I will try and BF again and probably do the EP thing if she doesn't latch and do that for 6 weeks like I did with M. We are all so much happier FF.
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    Definitely, without a doubt.  I love breastfeeding.
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    Yes.  My milk dried up when I got KU again, so I was only able to nurse DD for 7 months.  I'm hoping to be able to go for a year with #2.  And I have to disagree about convenience, having done both.  BFing is way more convenient than formula because you can just whip out the boob wherever, whenever.  No bottles to clean.  I especially wished that I was still nursing when we flew over here.  Would have made the trip so much easier!

    I pumped occasionally to have a bottle to give a sitter, but that was it.  Formula (and now goat milk) required planning ahead, equipment, washing, etc.  PITA, if you ask me!

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    I don't think FF would be more convenient than BFing.  Sometimes I think about when we get stuck being out of the house longer than anticipated, I know we won't run out of food for LO since the boob is always there.  I never have to worry about bottles or buying more formula.  Plus, BFing is free :).

    I had a really really hard time the first few weeks because DS had tongue tie and couldn't latch.  After we had that fixed, he still struggled and things didn't get easier until he was 4-5 weeks old.  I almost gave up so many times, but I am SO glad I didn't.  I love BFing now.  It's so easy and DS is so healthy which makes this mama proud.  I hope to BF until at least a year and I will hopefully do the same with future babies.

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