Military Families

Moving to San Diego

I have Tricare Standard and would like to see a civilian doctor. Anyone in that area have one they recommend. I am concerned that I am getting close to the point where they may not take me because I am so far along. Any hospital recommendations are appreciated too. I have heard good things about Balboa but I would still rather see a civilian doctor and only go to Balboa if I have to.

Re: Moving to San Diego

  • Try asking on the San Diego Bump Board:

     Good luck! 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thanks for the tip. There are already several post about recommendations so I am looking up some of the doctors. 
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  • I saw Dr. Sandra Petersen when I lived there, she's amazing.  I don't know if she's taking new patients or not, but she was one of the top rated OBs a few years ago when I saw her. 

  • I believe UCSD takes Tricare, and they have a natural delivery suite and a delivery suite for those who want the drugs, lol.

    You only get seen at Balboa if your pg is high rick or your hubby will be deployed for the birth. You can deliver there, but not seen for OB care. I have to get my care at Point Loma's hospital off Rosecrans. I'd love to see a civ dr, but we can't afford the co-pay. I delivered my daughter there in '08, and the delivery center is FABULOUS and they are just terrific. The dr. I saw there, Dr. Woods, was a great dr but habitually LATE- by at least an hour each time, as if I had all the time in the world to sit there with a cranky 17month old.

    CafeMom Tickers
  • ::lurking::


    (I just moved from San Diego).

    I worked as an RN for Sharp Healthcare. Sharp Mary Birch is a hospital designated for women and newborn's. Everything you or baby will need under one roof. If you check out you can research the hospital as well as OB/GYN's. You will also be able to find a listing of classes (if you need them or are interested). Sharp also has a nurse referral line you can call as well that would be able to tell you which MD's are accepting new patients. Good luck and hope this helps!

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