North Dakota Babies

Another eventful doctor's appointment ...

So today's doctors appointment was quite eventful and thank goodness DH was there for it.

First: i'm almost 4 c.m. and 80% effaced. She says I have a very "favorable" cervix and baby is in the perfect position for labor.

Second: My doctor was totally shocked on how much my belly grew in the last week ... she is guessing the baby is nearing 9 pounds!!!

Third: The doctor is really worried about the baby getting too much bigger and me having a hard time with a vaginal delivery

Fourth: She stripped my membranes to see if it would get labor started on its own, otherwise I have an induction scheduled for Thursday.

I'm kind of having mixed emotions right now. I was really hoping to go as natural as possible, but at this point I'm pretty nervous and doubtful about that happening being that he is so big. She mentioned that she doesn't want to think about a c-section and wants me to try to go natural but doesn't want to wait any longer because baby will only get bigger which will make it all more difficult.

Let's just hope the membranes stripping works and I go into labor soon.

Re: Another eventful doctor's appointment ...

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    You're making a lot people really jealous right now.  JK, sort of  Wink

    That's great news!  Maybe since you're progressing so much on your own, you won't need to be induced.  A lot could happen in a week.

    I can't believe you have such a big boy in there!!

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    Ohh maybe you'll be our first July mom!  That's great progress!  Hopefully stripping your membranes will jump start your labor and you can avoid induction. 

    *Labor dust*

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    Sounds good!

    K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12

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    ::Labor Dust::
    image   image
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Hopefully stripping the membranes will get things going!
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    That was a productive appt!  Hopefully stripping your membranes will get things going on their own and it won't be very much longer.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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    Lots and lots of **labor dust** I hope LO decides to make an appearance unassisted!

    Started TTC Nov. 2011 

    1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d

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    That was quite an eventful appointment.  I hope that the membranes stripping works.  *Labor dust*  If you don't mind me asking, did it hurt?

    Not gonna lie though, reading about you July mom's getting induced and such scares the pants off me.  I know I am behind by a few weeks, but not by much.

    A & T Since 2009 Parents of A born July 2010
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    ::Labor Dust:: for you!!
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    Labor dust.
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    Tons of labor dust!  I have my phone ready!!
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    Labor dust!! I can't believe you're 4cm dilated already! Hopefully the membrane stripping will do the trick!
    Siggy Deleted Due to Internet Stalking. Mama to Q, born July 2010
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    Ohh maybe you'll be our first July mom!  That's great progress!  Hopefully stripping your membranes will jump start your labor and you can avoid induction. 

    *Labor dust*

    Holy Crap!! This is what I was just thinking.

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    Lots of labor dust Jennifer!!!
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    Tons of labor dust!! 
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    :::labor dust:::
    Visit The Nest!
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    Thanks ladies. I am really hoping I go into labor naturally. I do not want to be induced. I'm going to do whatever I can to get these contractions going. It's just so annoying because a few weeks ago I was having contractions when I shouldn't, now when I should...i'm not.
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